Friday, January 3, 2020
Essay about Two Suits, Two Dresses, or One of Each
How can denying two people of the same sex the right to have a marriage be considered constitutional? Why is our country taking away rights of people because they want to be with someone of the same gender? Gay and lesbian couples have been denied their right to marry for some time now. Same-sex couples should be allowed to express and celebrate their commitment to a partner the same way a heterosexual couple does, as well as obtain the same benefits. Our country is not a Theocracy, we have separation of church and state, therefore the government cannot press biblical or church will on citizens. The church has defined marriage as between a man and a woman and this is fine as long as the government keeps a non-religious standpoint. Many†¦show more content†¦This means the government cannot enact laws that prevent marriage between individuals of a certain sexual orientation. If marriage is considered a civil liberty, then the 14th amendment should stop the government from maki ng laws that prohibit civil liberties based on a person’s choice in a partner. â€Å". . . Section 3 of DOMA violates the equal protection clause because it treats gay man and lesbians differently on the basis of their sexual orientation†(Hanna 30). If we continue to strike down laws like DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act), which denied same-sex couples the right to marry, we can fight this controversy and help innocent people obtain a right that they were born with. Some people may argue that marriage has always been defined as between one man and one woman or that allowing gay marriage will weaken the institution of marriage. â€Å"Extending to gays and lesbians the right to marry would undermine traditional marriage, and therefore, governments have a valid reason to maintain the traditional definition of it†(Hanna 29). It is inaccurate to define marriage as between one man and one woman because our world history is full of polygamy, concubines, mistresses, and prostitution. Kings in the past had many women and this was considered normal, one could say that the traditional marriage is the one that is not normal. We redefine things as the general attitudes about themShow MoreRelatedHuman Resource Management Essay1735 Words  | 7 Pagesto share information with colleagues in a systematic way. One tool that is used is Critical Path Analysis, which helps illustrate the minimum time needed to complete a process. Another method is process mapping, which can help determine needed steps/tasks and enable users to systematically follow the process outlined. Utilizing these tools helps develop uniform, consistent operating procedures, which results in a more efficient system. 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