Thursday, August 27, 2020
Long-term memory loss and treatments essays
Short/Long-term memory misfortune and medicines articles For my article synopsis paper, I have decided to utilize part 7 The Human Memory. I have picked a few articles to sum up. Most of my data will turning out to be from Human Memory and Researchers Find Protein that Makes Long-term Memory conceivable. As indicated by our course reading, transient memory is characterized as a restricted limit store that can keep up unrehearsed data, and long haul memory is characterized as boundless limit store that can hold data over protracted timeframes. The principal article talks about the elements of transient memory misfortune, and gives a model by means of test with mice. The subsequent article centers around the job protein plays in long haul memory. This article likewise includes an investigation utilizing mice. In the principal article, they clarifies how STM works. At the point when the cerebrum shapes new momentary recollections, it makes new neurons in a district of the hippocampus called the dentate gyrus. This procedure likewise clears out the obsolete recollections, so as to fit new ones. The article at that point discusses mainstream, yet conceivably troublesome medicines for Alzheimers infection. Patients with the infection free cells in the hippocampus. One well known treatment is to transplant undifferentiated organisms into the district to supplant the dead cells. As opposed to that treatment, new work recommend that the expansion of new cells may disturb memory maintenance. Memory maintenance is upset by modifying associations between neurons in the hippocampus and by boosting the memory leeway process. (Human Memory) Richard Harvey, executive of exploration at the Alzheimer's Society, says he isn't shocked that foundational microorganism transplants may harm memory. Our view is that undeveloped cells offer expectation in scatters like Parkinson's, however in Alzheimer's the issue is more to do with the system associations of neurons, transplanting new neurons could upset these systems, he says. ... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Discuss the Types of Unemployment and the Benefits of Controlling It In the UK Essay Example for Free
Talk about the Types of Unemployment and the Benefits of Controlling It In the UK Essay Joblessness is the quantity of individuals unemployed who are effectively looking for work at the present pay rates. To be effectively looking for work you should be of working age: 16-64 for guys and 16-59 for females and not monetarily latent. That implies you can't be in full time instruction, be on a preparation conspire, have resigned early or be bringing up youngsters at home. To gauge joblessness in the UK the administration utilizes two strategies to evaluate the rate. The first is the Labor Force Survey, in a month to month overview of an example of family units speaking to the whole populace. The overviews depend on the exercises of every individual of working age in the family units, inside a multi week time frame. An individual who accomplished any work during that week for pay or benefit, worked 15 hours or more as an unpaid specialist in a privately-owned company, or had an occupation from which the person in question was incidentally missing, is considered utilized. An individual who was not working however was searching for work or was on a brief lay-off and accessible to take a vocation is considered jobless. The second is the inquirer check, where the administrations gather figures on the quantity of individuals guaranteeing joblessness profits by the DSS. This subsequent technique frequently gives lower esteems as they is probably going to be numerous individuals who don't aside from the advantages, simply on head or on the grounds that they needn't bother with the additional money. There are five primary sorts of joblessness which all influence the economy in various manners. These are repeating or request inadequate joblessness, frictional joblessness, regular joblessness and basic joblessness. The first of these, recurrent or request lacking joblessness is based around what will happen to request in a downturn. At the point when the economy goes into a downturn there is an ascent in joblessness as there is lacking interest inside the economy. This is extremely just a momentary reason to joblessness, in light of the fact that when in downturn the economy is in disequilibrium. Anyway macroeconomic powers will work to reestablish the economy to its since quite a while ago run harmony, anyway in the short run there will be joblessness. In a downturn the interest bend will move left to D2. With the pay rate staying consistent at W in the present moment there will be joblessness of GE made. Accordingly macroeconomic powers will cause one of two changes. Either the economy will move out of downturn, causing the interest bend to move right and back to the balance purpose of W , E. Else if the economy remains in downturn the powers will cause the compensation rate to drop to Y and cause the quantity of laborers utilized to ascend to F. Anyway as the economy moves out of downturn the interest bend will move right, making the economy move back towards its balance at W , E. The second sorts of joblessness, frictional joblessness is the term used to characterize laborers who have as of late lost an employment and are in transient joblessness until they find further work. There is consistently turnover of work in a free market, so frictional joblessness isn't viewed as a significant issue. Occasional joblessness is when laborers work inside an industry that just expects them to be utilized at specific seasons. For instance in the traveler business laborers will in general work in the mid year, however are then laid off in harvest time a very long time before taking up their employments again the following spring. There is almost no that should be possible to forestall regular joblessness in a market where the interest for work fluctuates consistently. Basic joblessness is the point at which the interest for work is not exactly the flexibly in an individual work advertise. There are three principle instances of this. Territorial joblessness, where various territories of the nation have various paces of joblessness and in view of an absence of factor versatility, work can't openly move among districts and parity joblessness. Sectoral joblessness is when laborers from one industry can't adjust to an alternate industry, hence not having the option to follow the adjustments sought after. At last if mechanical joblessness, where innovation progresses and replaces difficult work, subsequently without retraining laborers would not have what it takes to work these machines and in this way would not be reasonable for the interest of work. Controlling the pace of joblessness in the UK will be a key component in the exhibition of the UK economy. The pace of joblessness is legitimately identified with genuine GDP. So in both the short run and the since quite a while ago run in the event that the economy is to develop, at that point joblessness most be controlled. The pace of joblessness will likewise decide the sort of approach the legislature will have set up to support the economy, in spite of the fact that this is additionally founded on the kind of government in power. The present work government are Keynesian financial experts and accept that over the long haul there might be mass joblessness. They likewise utilize monetary strategy, which is an interest side approach. So their monetary objectives will rely a great deal upon the drawn out joblessness levels that are anticipated. On the off chance that the administration are anticipating a time of continued joblessness they are probably going to target bringing down expansion. While in the event that they foresee full work they can focus on expanded GDP. As a result of the state of the since quite a while ago run total flexibly bend, both these objectives can be accomplished without modifying some other components of the economy. To bring down swelling the interest capacity would should be moved left. This could be accomplished by an expansion in the National Insurance commitments of laborers. This would cause a greater amount of people groups salary being taken in tax assessment leaving them with less cash to spend on products and enterprises, which would cause a diminishing in the absolute interest in the economy. To help increment financial development the all out interest in the economy would should be expanded. This would require a move left in the interest work, which could be brought about by a fall in loan fees. This would make more individuals acquire cash and less to spare, leaving more cash in the economy which will expand the interest for products and ventures. In the event that joblessness can be kept low, at that point the expenses of joblessness are limited also. Not exclusively do the administration need to spend less on joblessness benefits yet additionally experience less difficulty with wrongdoing and vandalism, which will likewise set aside them important cash. Additionally everybody will have more cash to spend, the past jobless, yet additionally past citizens as the legislature will require less cash from them. This will expand all out cash in the economy and cause the total interest to move right, which will make the development of the economy increment. So reasonable joblessness is useful for the economy as it empowers the legislature to set objectives and work towards them around the drawn out forecasts for joblessness rates. This is just an alternative if joblessness is kept in a limit. Else in the event that it is too varied, at that point it is difficult to decide what the administration should do starting with one day then onto the next. Anyway controlling joblessness may not generally be something to be thankful for. For instance since joblessness is straightforwardly identified with monetary development, in the event that you are controlling joblessness, at that point you are additionally controlling financial development. This won't be something to be thankful for as the economy is at its most proficient when financial development is moving at a rate consistent to the economy, not constrained by the administration.
Friday, August 21, 2020
4 Critical Principles of Effective Calls to Action
4 Critical Principles of Effective Calls to Action One of the important parts of your marketing campaign is the call to action. It’s a small part but powerful enough to determine whether you succeed or fail in your campaign.The call to action is a very short message telling the prospect what to do.It’s an attempt to convince the prospect that if he takes the action he’s told to take, he will experience some benefits.The challenge however is, how convincing are you?But as much as this is a valid question, it doesn’t bring out the whole truth.Technically speaking, your convincing power isn’t what is truly being tested here. It’s your knowledge of what works and what doesn’t.There are certain words which when used, they increase your chances of getting your customers’ attention. There are others which when used, will cause even your most loyal customers to change their loyalty.So which words should you use and which ones shouldn’t you use?In this article, we will talk about the message and how you should craft it.Howev er, you should know that the message is not all it takes to have an effective call to action.This articles looks at principles.It details the things you should focus on so as to come up with an effective overall message.After reading it, you’ll be able to make the necessary improvements to your CTA and even help others do the same.PRINCIPLES OF EFFECTIVE CTAsFor you to have a call to action which gives you the expected results, there are four things you need to do.For every one of these that you fail to do, you increase your chances of losing out on the opportunities around you.Calls to action can be used anywhere. As long as it’s a marketing campaign, CTAs can be included.All the same, you may need to make small adjustments so as to align with the different platforms or modes of communication.The good thing is that once you know what needs to be done and you do it well, success is guaranteed.1. The Engagement PathThe first thing you have to do is take time to design the overall engagement path to be followed.Whether your CTA is for your landing page or it’s for your email subscribers, the engagement path should be the same.The engagement path is the path which everyone will follow as you lead them towards conversion. The experience your landing page visitors will have should be the same as that which others will have.This makes it easier for you to design and develop everything. Without the need for different designs, you’re able to focus on providing the best experience for everyone.For your prospects, the same look and feel shows consistency and trust.There are three primary routes to take when it comes to CTAs. They can be more than that depending on your business and your specific target customers.Landing page â€" the landing page is the most common place CTAs are found. Landing pages are web pages created specifically to aid in marketing. They work as part of the lead life cycle.The engagement path is the map to the destination. It shows where to go, what to do and how to do it. For the landing page, this includes the design of the page, the colors used, copy written and even the location of the elements. More on this in the section about CTA messaging.Email â€" the email route is one which can only be taken by your email subscribers. For this reason, even if you have millions of them, the reach can be limited compared to what you have on the Internet.At the same time, even your subscribers might interact with you landing page before they read your email. This is because emails have lower engagement due to low open rates. Your landing page on the other hand might be shared on social media and attract new leads.Phone call â€" phone conversations can also be used for lead generation and nurturing activities. These are well suited for products which are new. The need to explain the features and benefits of the new products make emails and landing pages less effective.If taking this route, you need to ensure that once the prosp ect is engaged, he gets to follow a similar path as that followed by your web visitors. Since you will most likely implement a menu system, it’s important to ensure the options are clear and easy to understand.The menus should not make it difficult for the customer to decide which option to pick.Also, make sure there is an “exit strategy†in case the customer wants to opt out. Remember to include live humans in the system and provide a means of customers jumping straight to them.2. VisibilityThe reason you have a CTA on your landing page is for conversions.But are you going to make conversions if the call to action is not visible?For an effective call to action, visibility does not mean just being able to be seen. Visibility here means attracting attention.Everything on your landing page exists to serve only one purpose: getting visitors to take your preferred action.So how do you ensure proper visibility for your call to action?There are three factors to consider. These are t he format, color and position of the CTA.FormatThe format of the call to action is key. There are basically two format types here. The text format and the graphical format.The text format is quite old school and you may struggle to find it in any modern landing page.This is where the call to action is a simple text hyperlink. But the graphical is different and it’s what is more common.Graphical CTAs provide a visual aspect that helps in attracting attention. And when the attention is captured, it becomes easier to get visitors to do what you want them to do.These CTAs will often take the form of a button. This works well since as humans, we are conditioned to click buttons. A button CTA therefore attracts clicks.When working with buttons, put the below in mind:Button shape â€" the shape of the button should be a consideration. The shape of the CTA button contributes a lot to its attractiveness. As such, as much as you may be creative and adventurous, there are shapes you shouldn†™t use. For example, a triangle button may yield unexpected results. Source: MaxTrafficThe most common, tried and tested shapes are round and rectangle.These two have been used for long and have been proven to be effective. In any case, when you think of many things which can be clicked or pressed, aren’t they either round or rectangle?Button size â€" the size of the button is also important. Have a small button and it might not be noticed. Have a big button and it may imply that you’re trying to pile pressure on your page visitors. If they feel as if they’re being coerced, they won’t take action.That means that the ideal solution is in getting the size right. For you to know the right size, you might need to test different sizes.Generally though, an average size button should not be difficult to design. A look at some great landing pages can give you some idea of the right size.ColorColors are very important when designing both the landing page and call to action. Apart from the overall design of the page and the messaging, colors are what at tract visitors and move them.There is a whole area of study dedicated to colors. It’s called the psychology of colors. It has been shown that colors affect our emotions and whatever affects emotions affects decision making.Emotions are very powerful and they often override logic.To get the best results where colors are concerned, you need to first have your brand color in mind. You cannot design your landing page and call to action without factoring in your brand’s color.As for the CTA button, it’s important that it stands out from everything else on the page. You will easily achieve this by using contrasting colors.PositionHaving the perfect combination of colors for your landing page and CTA button isn’t enough. There is the issue of positioning.Where is your call to action positioned?At the top of the page, at the middle or at the bottom?This can be a tricky one to decide and although you can get quick suggestions, it’s best to put in some research work.Most landing pag e designers will tell you that somewhere at the middle is the ideal location.That has been proven to be true in many cases. However, just to be sure and also for the sake of understanding your web visitors better, consider using heat maps.Heat maps are software tools which help you see and understand where people are looking when they visit your page.They use color codes to show you where page scrolling stops, which part of your page people spend much time on, and even the areas clicked.This helps you understand the behavior of your page visitors.Such insight will help you know where to position your call to action so as to get the best results.3. MessagingWith your page and call to action designed for maximum visibility, the next thing to work on is the message. In marketing terms, this message is referred to as copy.Without a good copy, the page visitor will like what he sees but take no action. You will have lost the opportunity since you’re not out to simply make the visitor l ike your page. Your intention is to get him to take the action you want.This is achieved by use of the right words. How you communicate your message is what makes the difference.Any great copy should answer questions on what, why, when and how much.Here is a brief discussion on that.1. What â€" this is the action you want your page visitors to take. The question is, what do you want them to do? To register? Buy? Download? This should be communicated very clearly and the message should be concise.2. Why â€" your page visitors have very many options; far too many to even count. And they know it. It’s the nature of the competition. Something else, they don’t have much time and they easily get bored. To get them hooked, you have to tell them the benefits.Ask yourself, why should they do what I’m telling them to do? To see how important this question is, put yourself in the visitor’s shoes and ask yourself, “If I were browsing and looking for a solution, what would make me choo se this one?†It’s critical to understand that in writing copy, your choice of words really matters. You don’t have to write very many words but just the right ones. Do not try to show the sense of your solution since not many people buy logically. Most people buy emotionally.For that reason, tune your message to touch on their emotions. You will achieve this by focusing on the experience. Show your page visitors what your offer will help them experience.The better the promise, the higher the chances of them doing what you’re asking them to do.3. When â€" still, an irresistible offer isn’t all you need. Your message also needs to have the time factor. Keeping in mind that your page visitors are skeptics and want to be sure of value before buying, you have to “catch†them quickly.The more time they need to think about your offer, the less the chances of choosing it. Focus on helping them make the decision as soon as possible. And that can only be immediately. This is wh ere you use the “Now†messaging tactic.You will have to show them the benefits of the offer, and of choosing it NOW. You do this by creating a sense of urgency. Use words such as “Now†and “Today†to show the urgency.You can also use phrases which indicate that time is running out. Examples include “Limited stocks,†“While stocks last†etc.You can also include other offers into the urgency. For example, “Shop TODAY and get a FREE gift†or “First 100 customers get a FREE gift.†A quick tip here: put some emphasis on the free gift. The more valuable the gift, the higher the chances of customer action.4. How much One of the example CTA message given above is “Shop TODAY and get a FREE gift.†Apart from the emphasis on the word “Today,†there is also an emphasis on the word “Free.â€If you want your call to action to be effective, you must show page visitors that the action you want them to take will cost them nothing. Do not assume that because yo u’ve not indicated the cost, people will assume it’s free. What if they assume there is a surprise cost coming?No-one likes such surprises.Moreover, humans have been shown to love free stuff. If not free stuff, then the least expensive, as long as they believe they are getting value. This seems hardwired in the brain.4. TestingThe forth principle of an effective call to action is testing.Many marketers spend a lot of time designing their landing pages and crafting the message. They launch their pages and hope to get the expected results.When the expected results don’t come, they decide to make changes.They either change aspects of the landing page and CTA or focus on completely different marketing techniques.They are quite right about the change. But they are missing something.To avoid too many and too frequent changes, you need to test your calls to action before settling on a particular one.You do this by running an A/B test.A/B Testing Calls to ActionAn A/B test simply test s two versions of the same thing to help you know which is better. The one whose results are better is the one you choose to work with.As we talk about A/B testing calls to action, it’s important to note that testing is usually a continuous process.That does not mean that you start the test and keep it running for eternity. You test for a period of time, use what works best then test again after some time.The need for continuous testing comes from the ever-changing dynamics of the customer. What appealed to your page visitors today, may not appeal to them after six months.For the test, you need to create two versions of the same element.For example, you can create two versions of the CTA headline. Run a live test on these and analyze the information you get.A/B testing tools have the ability to gather information on customer interaction.For example, let’s say that you want to test two versions of the headlines. You will develop two landing pages. Everything will be exactly the s ame apart from the headline. The page which performs best gets retained.You can test for anything. From the design of the page, the shape of the CTA button to its color.In one case study, an A/B test was run pitting a green button and a red one. Everything else was the same. Source: HubSpotThe test confirmed that colors have an impact on human behavior.From over 2,000 page visits, the results showed that the red button was clicked more by 21%.Put differently, the red button generated 21% more conversions than the green one.Do you see the importance of testing your CTAs? Testing can be the difference between more and few conversions.In your case also, once you design your call to action, make sure you do some testing to ascertain what works best.CONCLUSIONNow you are well equipped to craft effective calls to action.As you design your campaign, keep in mind the principles we’ve shared with you.These will help you come up with the perfect message communicated in the right way.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Physician-Assisted Suicide Not Ethical or Moral - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1414 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/06/24 Category Law Essay Level High school Tags: Assisted Suicide Essay Did you like this example? When you think about a topic with many opinions and views, Physician-Assisted Suicide comes to mind. Is Physician-Assisted Suicide, morally right? Physician-assisted suicide is a controversial topic in ethics. Many people are arguing if it ethical unethical. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Physician-Assisted Suicide Not Ethical or Moral" essay for you Create order The reason for their argument is if a goat can be put down, why not human. Every life is important, no matter how critically ill it is. Instead of finding a way to terminate life faster, the government could channel the resource to something positive. If people are arguing whether the lives of these patients is important, the patients should also be questioned as well. Physician-assisted suicide will persuade the terminally ill patients to die faster because is less expensive and because they may lack self-confidence. People that want physician-assisted suicide legalized, probably they never consider the consequences associated with the procedure. If assisted suicide was legal fifty years ago, we wouldnt have some of the advancements in medicine that alleviate pain, diabetes, breathlessness, and other terminal illness today. As a result of improved medical advancement, today Some diseases that were terminal a few years ago are now treated. If we consider assisted suicide as the only solution, we might interrupt or even stop the discovery of effective treatments for those diseases that are now terminal. There would be a disregard for hope. There is no physician that has not come across a patient that was healed by divine intervention. The level of persuasion the patient would feel would be extensive. Families have many intent ways of persuading the patient to demand assisted suicide and alleviate them of the financial and social involvement even if their families are happy to take care of them. For many, this is just another way to terminate the guilt they feel, even if they dont wish to die. The money which they incur from patients in obtaining medical and the hospital bills would stop. Furthermore, physician-assisted suicide is not only illegal but also it is immoral and inhuman for physicians to implement. Any physician that does this immoral act has violated the ethics of their profession. A physician supposed to be an advocator and helper that helps save the lives of patients and not help end the patients lives. Also, such physician that does this, has violated Hippocratic Oath, which is the oath sworn by the doctors prior to receiving his license. The Oat states that , I will not give poison to anyone, though asked to do so, nor will I suggest such a plan?. This means that no doctor should request or administer any lethal injection or medication to the patients. But unfortunately, today so many physicians do not go by the oath they took. According to statistics, 1 out of 5 doctors and nurses have supported the patient to terminate their life in America. There is no meaning in taking an oat if no one will go by the oat. The organization responsible for the oat t aking should also place several penalties to defaulters of the oat of Hippocrates or probably the license should be revoked or suspended. Physician-assisted suicide is unethical and not a natural form of death. The severity of an illness or depression sometimes arises as a result of the thoughts and feelings of the suicide. One thing we should know is that pains are natural. Despite it is natural, there are ways to take away pains that comes with death. There are many medications that can help alleviate pains and help sustain the lives of these patients who are terminally ill. For example, opioid (morphine), has been proven to provide effective pain control to most patients with severe pains. The Patient Controlled Analgesia (PCA) is a major technological advance in pain control. With PCA, there is a constant supply of medications which allows a patient to administer doses when there is an emergency. Also, there is one that can administer to a patient to make him sleep all through the night. With proper healthcare education on the advancement of these pain control, physician-assisted suicide would not be necessary. Th e role of adequate pain control should remain an important duty in providing end-of-life palliative care to terminally ill patients. There should be a collaborative relationship between pain medicine service and palliative care services. With this, there has been found be commonness of pain in cancer survivors of 33 percent, in cancer patients undergoing active treatment of 59 percent, and across all stages of cancer of 53 percent. (Meier and Brawley 2011, 2750). The truth about physician-assisted suicide is that it is a form of murder and unethical. It should be against the law and the heart. This got to do with medicine and morality. If the doctors are licensed to kill or become killers, then the profession will never be trusted, and people with a good moral background would be discouraged from entering the profession. If also, the doctors were given equal right to cure and kill, then the profession would be regarded as an immoral profession. This type of murder underestimates human value. The physicians involved in the act are now regarded as gods who can determine life or death for mankind. Their jobs are to cure and save the lives of their patients, and not god. They should understand that what the patients under them need is care, respect, and absolute love of people around them. Furthermore, those in support of physician-assisted suicide may think that they are taking the right decision in ending their patients life because they are terminally ill. They may think they are ending their suffering and not their gifts and dreams There is an argument by people in favor of this procedure. They argue that if the patient and the family agree, then there is no harm in caring out the patients wish. Though the terminally ill patient might not capable of making a rational decision, the truth still remains that no one even the family member has can assume a choice for an incompetent person without a consent from the patient. Why on earth would one think of ending another persons life? Life and death should not be placed in the hands of the another. The act of dying is determined by nature. Therefore, people should allow nature to take its place. If in any case, a patient is making a decision, he needs to consider the mental and physical aspect of death. If physician-assi sted suicide is considered ethical, it will expose our nation to a frequent untimely death. Some people regard physician-assisted suicide as a compassionate mean of ending pains in terminally ill patients. No matter how they see it, it is murder and is never morally justified. It is considered as killing with an intention. People are trying to make a sound as being medically compassionate and acceptable. Human life is never something to determine whether to continue or not. It can never be measured by the condition. People think and speak as though human life is like a building you can decide whether to demolish it or not. Again, legalizing it can lead to other people deciding whether someone to live or not. For example, if an aged woman has a stroke or tumor and can not talk or stand, their family member could as well consider physician-assisted suicide because they dont want to face the stressor they want to give her mercy death. Incredible! Physicians should sort out new ways to cure their patients instead of killing. In conclusion, physician-assisted suicide is unethical and immoral. It should never be allowed or legalized. It is potentially giving lethal medication to the body and may be done by a doctor. The same doctor that is licensed to cure the body of illness is also involved in murder and killing. It is time for doctors to identify their moral and go by the ethics of their profession. They should consider human life and health as their topmost priority. With this, the world will realize that life is so precious and worth more important than mere emphasis. Work Cited: Doctor-assisted suicide should not be legalized (, December 2018) accessed 13 December 2018 Palliative care and the quality of life. Meier DE, Brawley OWJ Clin Oncol. 2011 Jul 10; 29(20):2750-2. Jun 13, 2011 2011 Jul 10; 29(20): 2750â€Å"2752. Otis W. Brawley 2011 by important new American Society of Clinical Oncology and most patients receive hospice care in their own Administrative support: Diane E. Meier 17. van den Beuken-van Everdeen MH, de Rinke JM, Kessels AG, et al.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Capsaicin and the Stomach Essay - 832 Words
Almost everyone is told that consuming capsaicin causes stomach problems, but the opposite is true. What is capsaicin? Capsaicin is found in chili peppers which originated in Latin America; due to it pungent flavor was traded by Spanish and Portuguese explorers during the sixteenth century to Europe and Asia and is now one of the essential spices in the world. Chili peppers have been used for centuries in the seasoning of food, but recently, scientists have started using it for medical purposes. Many speculate that capsaicin helps improve and treat various health problems, some as simple as headaches to cancer and that it can promote blood circulation, maintain weight loss, and prevent the deterioration of the lining of the stomach.†¦show more content†¦The real culprits are bacteria called Helicobacter pylori, most commonly known as H. pylori, aspirin, alcohol, stress, excessive acid secretion in the stomach, the reduction in gastric mucous blood flow and anti-inflammat ory medicine. H. pylori are bacteria that significantly contribute to the formation of gastric ulcers as they promote the secretion of acid and deteriorate the mucus in the stomach and when capsaicin is consumed it kills the bacteria. Also in a study conducted by a researcher, two groups of volunteers with normal stomach linings were given aspirin to take daily, the control group was just given the aspirin while the experimental group was given aspirin and water with chili powder, the results were that the control group had the most deterioration of the stomach mucus. It seems that capsaicin slows acid secretion and promotes the production of mucus secretion. Mucus protects the lining of the stomach and when a person suffers from gastric ulcers it is because their mucus production is low and they secret too much acid, which eats away at the stomach’s lining. Although many scientists believe that capsaicin helps the stomach, others opinions differ, like in any scientific study. These opposing scientists believe that capsaicin actually is a carcinogen, which means that when used internally causes cancerous cells to form. In some experiments, rats treated with capsaicin formedShow MoreRelated Chili Peppers Essay1261 Words  | 6 Pagesthe component capsaicin causes the peppers to taste â€Å"hot†(Mason, 2004). This aspect of the chili pepper causes the neurons to be excited and increases the sensitivity, which causes itchiness and burning sensations (Mason, 2004). These sensations are the defense mechanisms by chili peppers to protect it from being eaten by other species. So how could something that creates an instant negative response in the body be good for it? When extracted and used in a unique method, the capsaicin that createsRead MoreEssay on Red Hot Chili Peppers1622 Words  | 7 Pageswell in the hot sun (Robbins 1 992). The substance that produces all of the heat sensation is known as capsaicin. Capsaicin is produced by specialized gland cells found in the cross-walls, or ribs, of the pepper (Rowland, Villalon, and Burns 1983). Capsaicin is actually composed of several different alkaloids, which vary in amounts depending on the species of chili pepper (Proulx 1985). Capsaicin produces the sensations of heat and pain in the mouth by stimulating local heat receptors in the skinRead MoreSpicy Food arounf the World557 Words  | 2 Pagesover. Some people do not like to eat spicy food. This may be caused by the way they think and feel that spicy food can make their tongue feel burned, and that consuming too much chili is bad for their health health. Furthermore, many people do get stomach aches when they consume spicy food. However, not a few people enjoy spicy foods. Many people like to eat spicy food only because the taste of spicy. What they do not know is that spicy foods have a lot of benefits. T hese are several benefits thatRead MoreHerbal Supplements Essay796 Words  | 4 Pagescontain the substance known as capsaicin, which is widely known to help reduce pain (muscle and back pain and pain related to shingles and arthritis), and has been used in different cultures to remedy stomach problems, poor appetite, and circulatory problems. According to an article in the West Indian Medical Journal, published in 2014, cayenne is capable of reducing hypertension, nervous anxiety and lowering serum cholesterol, thanks to the active ingredient capsaicin, which block the nerve cellsRead MoreBest Foods for Overall Health800 Words  | 4 Pagesalso prove that it can aid cancer prevention because of its rich flavonoid content. It also assists in cancer treatment by inducing apoptosis or cell death and reducing cell proliferation. Artichokes are also effective in treating stomach problems such as nausea, stomach pain and vomiting. Avocado This green-skinned, fleshy fruits that have a distinct and subtle flavor. Avocados are commonly served in milkshakes, sandwiches and dips. It has numerous health-boosting nutrients, such fiber, potassiumRead MoreGinger, The, Or Underground Growing, Part Of The Zingiber Officinale Plant1201 Words  | 5 Pagesginger is used, in the medical field, for much more than just cooking because of its ability to target such a wide range of medical conditions. Ginger is chiefly grown in the tropical parts of Asia. It consists of a mixture of gingerols, ÃŽ ²-carotene capsaicin, caffeic acid, curcumin, and salicylate.2 The exact pharmacologic mechanism of action of ginger’s effects is unknown. However, studies found that it inhibits serotonin receptors and, while acting at the gastrointestinal and central nervous systemRead MoreCritical Comment On Diseases And Diagnosis1413 Words  | 6 Pagesnsaid at night. Standard topical NSAID should be used during the day time. This should be reviewed regularly if still no improvement then a topical gel such as capsaicin should be recommended when required with a standard oral NSAID (avoids drowsiness) which should be given regularly with a low dose PPI such as omeprazole to protect the stomach. Actively monitor patients anxiety when changing or introducing medication, reviewing the effectiveness and tolerability of all treatments Exercise is coreRead MoreMorning Sickness in Pregnant Women Functions for Toxic Avoidance1647 Words  | 7 PagesBilling and Sherman (1998) agreed that spices help to maintain palatability of food besides enhancing its flavour, but Flaxman and Sherman (2000) suggested that too much of spices may be harmful as well. For example, ingestion of large amounts of capsaicin causes high toxicity in blood; this is even worse in pregnant women as their toxin tolerance thresholds are lowered (Flaxman Sherman, 2000). So, certain spices could cause NVP when they are consumed in large amounts. Also, excessive amounts ofRead MoreResearch On Diabetes And Its Effects On The Lives Of The 21st Century2135 Words  | 9 Pagesthat of the wood frog, which freezes solid during the winter, then recovers when it becomes warm again. Biochemist Ken Storey and his wife Janet found that the way this frog performs this extraordinary feat is by moving water from its cells into its stomach while its liver pumps sugar into its blood. Any excess water surrounds the frog’s organs. In this way, the frog’s organs and blood do not freeze as the high concentration of sugar in the frog’s body effectively turns the blood into an antifreeze.Read MoreREVIEW - Phytochemical Screening and Extraction4270 Words  | 18 PagesAnthelmintic, Antidiarrhoeal Tannins Polymeric phenols (Mol. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Comparison Between The Odyssey And The Iliad - 1068 Words
In the novel The Odyssey, the author Homer describes an outcry against death; whereas in the Iliad death is portrayed as an accomplishment., Both were in the times that is also known as Before Common Era, or BCE. It is known that Iliad begins 10 years before the great Seige of Troy and eventually the odyssey had begun a couple years after that(Classical Lit). When Homer had written these novels it is clear that they have numerous lines, and Homer had written both. In the novel The Iliad it consists of fifteen thousand, six – hundred and ninety – three lines; whereas in the novel The Odyssey, it has fewer lines, which is approximately twelve thousand, one – hundred and ten(Classical Lit). Even though The Odyssey had an outcry†¦show more content†¦They shuffled around and sacrificed and set them up against each other. But whenZeus wants the Trojans to winhe would usually turnagainst the Greeks(free essays). It is also said that in the Iliad that a variety would direct from the urgency of the theme. The Olympians did not portray death and a sense of dying as inflexible(inklings). But all in all divorced from the theme, The Iliad is a very unattractive story that is filled with such cruel and horrific things. These horrific things can include beheadings and also stabbings without a purpose to do it(inklings). Now that I have stated some facts about the Iliad and how cruel it was; I want to compare it to the Odyssey. To give a couple of facts to start off: The Odyssey is also Greek and it derives from the word Odysseia(Classical Lit). Just like the Iliad; the Odyssey too was written by the infamous Homer. The Odyssey also begins with Zeus reflecting on his many affairs. But it was made before the Iliad in 725 BCE and it starts 10 years after the fall of Troy(Classical Lit). Unlike the Iliad, The Odyssey was encouraged by a Goddess, and the person who rules is named King Odyssey; son of Laertes and Anticlea((Classical Lit). King Odyssey was the king of Ithica and also and Olympic god; like King Achilles. Unlike the Iliad in The Odyssey, the Olympians were not to intervene with things unless they were asked to. Also, the Gods did not (what soShow MoreRelatedVarying Cultural Structures in Homers The Illiad and The Odyssey1008 Words  | 5 PagesGreek mythology deals significantly with culture and its factors, as they describe the societies and the people inhabiting it by depicting their everyday life and the state of their land. Both Hephaestus, in Homer’s Iliad, and Odysseus, in Homer’s The Odyssey, set out to portray the cultures that they saw, yet the cultures and societies varied greatly, from Hephaestus illustrating the highly developed societies of the Greek and their culture; while on the other hand, Odysseus seems baffled by howRead MoreSimilarities Between Achilles And Odysseus1110 Words  | 5 PagesHeroics (A Comparison of Heroic Traits Displayed by Achilles and Odysseus in Homer’s, Iliad and Odyssey) Humanity has always strived for greatness, and is destined to continue this attempt till the world stops spinning. Through the art of storytelling, and literature, we have weaved images of what the ideal human should be. Countless works of literature depict such humans as â€Å"heroes†, due to the inspiration they stir within our imperfect souls. Truly epic heroes shape future stories, and remainRead MoreThe Iliad And The Odyssey977 Words  | 4 Pagesplot or storyline, or the theme of the myth. Homer’s The Iliad and The Odyssey are two prime examples of this. Within both epics, the gods constantly intervene in the lives and situations of the characters, molding them to the desired outcome. Without the influence of the gods in either of the epics, however, the ending might have been very different. There was a great deal more divine intervention in The Iliad in comparison to The Odyssey, however, as there were more godly characters in that textRead MoreHomer s The Iliad And The Odyssey Essay1590 Words  | 7 Pagesthe world of the ancient Greeks, the Iliad and The Odyssey. However, none are certain of the time in which Homer lived. It is believed now that, if Homer was at all more than myth himself, he did not create the two stories, rather he organized or edited the poems in a written form (Bloom). Regardless of Homer’s involvement with the two stories, these ancient tales are distinct and characterized by the world in which they were conceived. The Iliad and The Odyssey both heavily draw inspiration from andRead MoreAeneid Analysis789 Words  | 4 Pagescharacteristic to Grecian writer Homer s Epic poems the Iliad and the Odyssey. Much of Roman culture is modeled after or inspired by the Greeks, especially the arts. Roman art, writings, religion, and celebrations were on the rise as they experienced a time of rest, enabling them to develop a rich, eclectic culture. The Roman nation s origins are very pedestrian in comparison to Virgil s poem. The Romans were governed by the Etruscan nation between 750 BC and 250 BC (Time Maps, 2012). The EtruscanRead MoreAnalysis Of Homer s The Iliad And The Odyssey Essay1606 Words  | 7 PagesBy examining the roles that women play in Homer’s epic poems, The Iliad and The Odyssey, the political divide becomes even more apparent. The role of women is clearly defined throughout these literary works, and some of what Homer teaches us is still pertinent today. One such instance that draws attention to the political divide is the structure of leadership in Ithaca. Penelope in The Odyssey assumes a position of power while Odysseus is away from Ithaca fighting in the Trojan War. She defies theRead MoreIliad - Self image1193 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿The Iliad Essay Prompt 1. Complete one take home essay. Provide textual evidence, specific lines and incidents from The Iliad that proves your thesis. You may also draw from The Odyssey. Use in text parenthetical documentation according to MLA standards. The style guide that many colleges use is We will use this style guide for both MLA format and grammar and mechanics. If you have any questions about MLA format, refer to This paper needs to read asRead MoreThe Greek Concept of the Epic Hero Essay1135 Words  | 5 Pagesimportant figures in Homers great epic poems The Iliad and The Odyssey. Achilles, the greatest warrior of the Greeks in the Trojan war, is actually a demi-god rather than a human hero, having been dipped in charmed waters by his mother and given the gift of invulnerability. Odysseus, on the other hand, is a fully human character, and his heroism consists more in his cleverness, boldness and cunning than his martial ability. The contrast between these two models of the epic hero could not be strongerRead MoreGreek Epic Narrative : The Iliad, The Odyssey And The Argonautica3638 Words  | 15 PagesWomen in Greek Epic Narrative: In the Iliad, the Odyssey and the Argonautica By Laurence Crooks The Iliad, the Odyssey and the Arognautica would suffer without the depth of character created by their leading women. Each epic hosts a new and interesting woman who makes a place for herself in the complex narratives. Helen survives as a woman who knows her place, in history, the narrative, and the events leading up to the war and acknowledges all of these when other charactersRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Odyssey 984 Words  | 4 PagesOdysseus and Penelope, is one of the main character of Homer’s poem The Odyssey. The first four books of the Odyssey tells Telemachus’ story as he searches for Odysseus after his disappearance after the Trojan War. With the guidance of the goddess Athena, Telemachus travelled to Pylos to visit king Nestor and Sparta to visit King Menelaus and Queen Penelope. The primary source on Telemachus is Homer’s The Odyssey. The theme of The Odyssey is centralized on identity, and similar to Odysseus, Telemachus’
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Startling Discovery free essay sample
To an extent this is true. In the case of a child of God, his life is planned1 (Proverbs 16: 9). Whether that plan is fulfilled or not depends on a number of factors, the individual’s closeness to God, his view about the ultimate purpose of life, and the socio-spiritual environment he finds himself. The course of your life is challenged by some external factors. The crisis is reached when you give over your WILL one way or the other, for good or evil. You can love or hate. You can wish to understand or misunderstand. The will to obey is the greatest force of a new born Christian, while the will to disobey is the most destroying force of the sinner. A child when left alone in the world is controlled by one of two powers: good or bad, right or wrong, God or the devil. Everyone is challenged by these two forces of life, and each must choose which life he must live. We will write a custom essay sample on Startling Discovery or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page And I believe that is what the Bible says: â€Å"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he grows he will not depart from it. †You will agree that the dearest and closest person to any child’s heart is his mother. An orphan is an unfortunate child and more exposed to attacks of the devil than children with parents. A mother is a protector of body and soul but it becomes double tragedy when both parents are lost and more so in most mysterious circumstances. My story started 22 years ago in a little village called Amerie Iriegbu Ozu Item in Bende Local Government Authority, Imo State. My parents were not classified amongst the rich but my dad was privileged to inherit 42 hectares of land from my grandfather, a blessing which has today brought the greatest misfortune ever recorded in the history of the family. My dad was greatly envied by his distant and near relations for reasons I do not know, perhaps for his vast land inheritance. We were a happy family, my parents having got four of us: Love, Margaret, Emmanuel and Chinyere. After having the first two daughters, my parents waited for 14 years before having me (the only son) and later my younger sister Chinyere. This brought real happiness to the family but this happiness was short-lived as the first tragedy struck. My lovely and caring mother died. She was alleged to have died owing to witchcraft, and four years later my father died, again through an alleged work of juju involved against him. Two years after the death of both parents my eldest sister, Love, disappeared mysteriously and Margaret, the second daughter of my parents, went mental. It was a chain of tragedies in the life of a humble and otherwise happy family. My younger sister Chinyere and I were sent to our grand parents. There I completed my elementary education and was later admitted into Item High School. I read up to Class III and dropped out of school as a result of lack of fund for fees etc. Shortly after that, my grand parents also died. After all the ceremonies that go with burials, an unknown relation collected my younger sister Chinyere, and up to this date I do not know her whereabouts. I was forced by severe maltreatments to go back to my father’s house, and there to live alone at the age of 13 years. How does a child of 13 years feed himself in the midst of his father’s enemies and consequently his own enemies? How very afraid I was! These events seemed to have brought me to the end of worthwhile living. Was there anyone who cared? Was there anyone who was concerned about â€Å"a little boys misfortune? †One day I met a friend I knew during my elementary school days named Chinedum Onwukwe. Chinedum loved me very much and having heard all that befell took me to his parents who readily received me and took me as a second son. Life came back to normal again. I was well cared for. I was happy again: then I knew that the God my mother prayed to when she was alive was alive somewhere hence He had provided me with new parents, so I thought in my mind. I enjoyed this goodness for about two years and then the devil struck again. Chinedum and his parents were traveling to Umuahia and their car ran into a tipper carrying laterites. Chinedum and his parents died on the spot! On hearing the news I collapsed. My sorrow could better be imagined. I managed to survive through the burial ceremony, supplying those cooking with firewood and running errands: at the end of which I went back to my father’s house and resumed the menial jobs to be able to feed. I continued doing odd jobs on the farm, in gardens, going a fishing with elders until one day, a man from my compound hired me to work in his farm for 50k. At the farm he subjected me to a series of questions. First, he asked me to show him my father’s lands; secondly, to hand over such lands to a man, no matter how closely related he was. In either case I objected and he was offended. He then vowed to kill me in the forest. I became afraid and ran and shouted for help. Unfortunately, because the area was far into the thick forest, no one came but help came from God. He pursued me with his knife but being younger I was too fast for him and fell into a pit of about 1. 82 meters deep and was covered by the grass in it. He searched for me and after a while he gave up. I later struggled out of the pit and through another route returned to the village. I reported the incident to the elders in the compound but no action was taken the common plight of orphans. This incident created real hatred in my young heart; no one loved me, no one cared. I reflected in my mind why anyone would want to kill me knowing I had no parents. Life was full of misery. Now I know that God in His love restrained the devil from suggesting suicide to me. I turned to the Church and became a full member of the Assemblies of God church in my village (I still am) but unfortunately no one cared even when some of the members knew about me. It is important to note that I became a full member of the church without knowing Jesus Christ. I never knew what it meant to be BORN AGAIN. If you are in the Church of Jesus Christ and find yourself in the situation I found myself, give your life to the Lord Jesus Christ. The Scripture says: â€Å"Let Him have all our worries and cares, for He is always thinking about you and watching everything that concerns you†(1 Peter 5: 7 Living New Testament). In the midst of all these hardship and suffering ALICE appeared! Alice was a girl I knew during my elementary school days. She was five years older and from the same village. We were in the same class, sat on the same bench and became very friendly. With this childhood’s ‘love’ affair, we promised ‘getting married’ when we would be old. Ridiculous! A child of 11 years then, without parents, no education, no food to eat, promising marriage to a girl of five years his senior! Alice later left for Akure for her secondary education and sent me dozens of ‘love’ letters. The next time I met Alice, I was 15 years and she was 20. She had finished her secondary school education and was working with the Standard Bank Lagos (now First Bank), where her parents lived. Alice having known my background and my plight took advantage of it. She told me to join her at Lagos and handed me her house address with N50 (Naira: National Currency of Nigeria)! That was a fortune for a young boy of 15 years who had never earned up to N2 a day! This was manna from heaven and this meant that Lagos must be a wonderful place with plenty of money and the good things of life for all to enjoy. Then I must go to Lagos to make my own money and get riches too. Going to Lagos to my mind was my only way of escape. Escape from my father’s enemies, escape from my enemies, escape from hunger and ALL my problems. Escape!
Monday, April 6, 2020
Jordanians and Palestinians Living the Test of Times at the West Bank Essay Example Essay Example
Jordanians and Palestinians Living the Test of Times at the West Bank Essay Example Paper Jordanians and Palestinians Living the Test of Times at the West Bank Essay Introduction West Bank, is a southwestern Asia territory that bound by the Jordan territory in its eatern portion and Israel on its north, south and western portions. It is geographically placed seen on the western bank of the Jordan river. This territory was once part of Palestine but was formally annexed by Jordan in 1950. Jordan ruled the area until 1967 and during its rule, it granted full citizenship to Palestinians who were then living in the area (Encarta online encyclopedia, 2007).The armies of Syria, Egypt and Jordan engaged into a six day war with Israel, in 1967. The Arab armies were defeated and Israel took control of several territories occupied by Syria, Egypt and Jordan and such included the West Bank. In 1988, Jordan ceded to the Palestine Liberation Organization all territorial claims to the West Bank, however, this did not do much because Israel also tried to establish its rule over the area. Israel imposed its laws in the West Bank governing the Palestinians in the process (Enc arta online encyclopedia, 2007).The Israeli government introduced various reforms and improvement in the area, however, not all of these reforms benefitted the West Bank inhabitants. The Israeli built roads for their exclusive use only, the Palestinians were prohibited from utilizing it. The Palestinians also tried to establish their claim over the West Bank against the Israeli government. The clash on the establishment of power in the West Bank, led to bloody uprisings. It was only through a peace convention in 2006 that Israeli government agreed to retreat its forces in the area (Encarta online encyclopedia, 2007).Majority of the population in the West Bank are Palestinian Arabs and 10 percent of the population in the area are Christian Arabs. Agriculture is the primary economic activity of the people because of the lack of more fruitful economic ventures in the area. Most of the job opportunities can be found on neighboring Arab countries like Israel. The currency that are cicula ting in the area are the Israeli new sheqel and the Jordanian dinar. The dialects in the West Bank are similar to the Jordanian dialect (Encarta online encyclopedia, 2007).According to a Time magazine article, the Jordanian rule of the West Bank was more palatable for the Palestinians than the rule of the Israelis because they share the same culture. The Israelis were like robbers who took the Palestinian culture away from them. However, this does not mean that the Palestinians accepted the Jordanian rule with open arms. The two groups also had their share of uprisngs in the quest of both parties to retain power over the West Bank area. The Jordanian government invested heavily on the West bank even if this was already under the Israeli control because it had the aim of recovery. The investment made by the Jordan government on the area somehow uplifted the economy in the West Bank, however, this positive standing in the economy did not last long as other wars and uprising ensued thu s, crippling the area’s available resources (Encarta on line encyclopedia, 2007)The Palestinians in the West Bank are the original settlers of the area. They were the original heirs of the West Bank before it was occupied by various conquerors, among them were the Jordanians and the Israelis (Encarta on line encyclopedia, 2007).Based on culture and practices, the Palestinians and the Jordanians are almost similar. In terms of religion, both are attached to the Muslim faith. Majority of the Palestinians and Jordanians are Sunni Muslim, the largest sect in Islam. Others practice different religions such as Christianity, Jewish and the other Muslim sects (every culture, n.d.).For the Palestinians and the Jordanians, the role of women is basically to produce children and tend the household needs, they are not expected to work beyond the house and perform the duties of a man.Rarely is a woman perceived to be of equal rank as that of a man especially in the olden days. It is only r ecently that the women are allowed to perform other roles besides the tending the house needs and the children. Many women now are part of the workforce and are even doing men’s job. This shift of ideology was not because of cultural influence from the West but because of the dire need for women to take these roles. Life is economically difficult in the West Bank and all efforts must be contributed to find work and provide food for the family (every culture, n.d.).Aside from these similarities, the two cultures also share the same belief in terms of courtship and marriage. They do not adhere to the Western style of dating and courtship. Their beliefs dictate that the man and the woman should have associated with each others families before they should enter into a romantic relationship. Courtship does not mean entering into a simple relationship–it means marriage (every culture, n.d.).Marriage is an important rite of passage for both cultures. They usually celebrate th is with a feast catering 200 to 2,000 guests. A similar kind of celebration is also undertaken whenever a child is born, especially if the child is a baby boy. The Joradanian society has a higher regard for boys than girls. The Palestinians share the same ideology (every culture, n.d.).It is also the practice of the Jordanians to build houses that are several stories high; this is in preparation for the marriage of their sons. The sons who marry take their wives to the family home and live on one story of the house. The women take charge of the cooking as well as the household chores while the men do not contribute any effort to the household works as they are prohibited by their culture from engaging in such activites. The Palestinian men also do not do houesehold chores. They have high regard for gender roles and distinction of the sexes (every culture, n.d.).People from both cultures are also very hospitable. They do not allow their visitors to bring anything, they provide for al l the needs and the guests are expected to consume all that they serve. People from both cultures are also very formal and conservative, as compared to the Western people (every culture, n.d.).Most of the Jordanians and Palestinians also have a very good educational background. There is a great number of them who have attended school in universities and finished college degrees. However, those who are in the West Bank do not have very good jobs because there are only a few high paying jobs in the region. Most of the educated serve in Israel where there is a higher pay offered and in nearby Arab countries which have better economies. These Muslims, however, do not hold high positions in the countries that they work for because the priority are the local inhabitants. Aside from these they are not also given the same salary as to that of a local employee who hold the same position; they receive a lower salary. This practice can be attributed to the fact that the Israelis look lowly to the inhabitants of the West Bank, which happens to be a part of their conquered state until 2006 (every culture, n.d.).Among the dissimilarities in the culture of the Jordanians and the Palestinians is their heritage. The Jordanians have a country of their ownâ€â€Jordan whereas the Palestines do nothave a territory that they can call their own. The Palestinians are displaced and most of them are refugees in different Arab countries including Jordan. The Palestinian territory in 1947 was divided by the United Nations into twoâ€â€the Palestinian state and the Jewish state. The Palestinian Arabs who comprised sixty-five percent of the population then did not agree of the partition plan and as a result thereof, a war ensued. The Palestinian Arabs lost in the war while the Jewish state successfully established Israel in 1948. The Palestinians tried to establish their power in the area but they were not successful. This failure has led to poor stature of the Palestinians in the pr esent day (Encarta online encyclopedia, 2007).The water scarcity in the area also contributes to its poor economic standing, it lacks better resources that could provide for the needs of the people. The various uprisings and the surge for power in the area is also a factor. Instead of concentrating on enriching their economy, the Palestines are busy fighting for their right to rule their land from the Israelis. The Israeli government played hard in giving up the West Bank leadership as compared to the Jordanian government which ceded its interests to the Palestine Liberation Organization. This cession of interests may have been a factor for the co-existence of the Jordanians and Palestinians in the area. Another factor may have been the fact that the Jordan government houses many of the Palestinian refugees in their country and their sharing of similar religious belief and culture.The fact that majority of both cultures adhere to the same Muslim sect is a great factor. They do not h ave a clash of ideologies as compared to Christians and Jews who have great disparities in their principles and the ideologies that bind them. In addition, the Palestinian culture in the West Bank also have a great influence from the Jordanian culture because of its conquest of the area for nearly seventeen years and the curriculum that the education system in the West Bank region follows is patterned after the Jordanian curriculum. This type of curriculum may have been a factor in building a smoother relationship between the two cultures because they get to have a deeper understanding of each other’s beliefs and background.However, it must be noted that not all those who have Jordanian citizenship in the West Bank are really Jordanians. Many of those who hold such citizenship are Palestinians who have been living in the West Bank before the Palestinian National Administration came to power (Encarta online encyclopedia, 2007).ReferencesMicrosoft Encarta online encyclopedia (2 007). â€Å"West Bank†. Retrieved April 22, 2008, from Encarta online encyclopedia (2007). â€Å"Modern Palestine†. Retrieved April 22, 2008, from Culture (n.d.). â€Å"Jordanians†. Retrieved April 22, 2008, from Culture (n.d.). â€Å"Palestinians†. Retrieved April 22, 2008, from Culture (n.d.). â€Å"Culture of Palestine, West Bank and Gaza Strip†. Retrieved April 22, 2008, from Strip.htmlTime magazine (1978, June 19). West Bank: The Cruelest Conflict. Retrieved April 22, 2008, from,9171,919757-1,00.html; Jordanians and Palestinians Living the Test of Times at the West Bank Essay Thank you for reading this Sample!
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Comparison of Athens and Sparta essays
Comparison of Athens and Sparta essays Comparing Athens and Sparta is like comparing heaven to hell. One of the the few similarities which Athens and Sparta share is that both of the cities are located in the same country, Greece. Greece is a mountainous peninsula that closely resembles in size the state of Louisiana. Because of the mountains which Greece contains, independent communities were formed which eventually became states and a growing civilizations. Athens first became a city-state; and was ruled by a king. In 500 b.c. the Classical Age of Greece flourished. Athens was influence by the arts. It was a growing society that love knowledge and searched for reason in everything. Athenian based there life around philosophy (love of wisdom) and arts. As a young man you could get a good education and could pursue any of several kinds of arts or sciences. You could serve in the army or navy, but you didn't have to. Athens was a polytheistic society. Young women were married at the age of 14. Women were aloud to participate in religious events only. Many of todays greatest philosophers of all time were influenced from Athens, such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. In the Athens society all citizens were treated equal. Women and slaves excluded from being citizens. At the beginning of the seventh century, Athens became controlled by aristocrats, eventually becoming an oligarchy. Around the end of the seventh century the Athenian society began falling rapidly. Greed over came many of the rich aristocrats which controlled the majority of the land. In 594 b.c. a man who many like was put in control, Solomon. Though Solomon tried his best to rebuild Athens in to a grand community, the aristocrats simply would not support this transformation. Around 560 b.c. Pisistratus an aristocrat came into control of the Athenian empire. Pisistratus was not well like and Athens became a tyranny. Eventually the people of Athens put an end to the tyranny in 560 b....
Friday, February 21, 2020
Were Are You Going, Where Have You Been Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Were Are You Going, Where Have You Been - Article Example We all have the same ability to make our choices work in our favor. Fate does exist, but we are not entirely controlled by it. We may be tempted by fate, and there may be times when we do not think there is a way around it, but it can always be cheated. There is always a different route. As free-willed human beings, all it takes is for us to say yes or no to something, and it is done. If we do not like a specific situation, we have everything that we need to get out of the situation or to change it to our liking. When Connie gave up and went outside to Arnold Friend, she was letting herself be controlled by fate. Instead of giving in to Arnold, she could have gone back in the house and found other methods to seek help. Fate is not permanent. As human beings, we are stronger than we think we are. We have the ability to make choices in our lives and to change something that we do not like or agree with. If we allow life to happen without us intervening, fate begins to take its toll. The situation with Connie could have turned out much differently if she had only realized the personal strength and control that she possessed over her own
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Critical Evaluation for the Presentation of Research Data Essay
Critical Evaluation for the Presentation of Research Data - Essay Example The nature of a structure implies a need or needs that the structure will have to address. Man’s needs are many. Some of the more basic ones pertain to food, clothing, and shelter. Beyond the basic needs are the need for leisure, recreation, social life, and aesthetics. This is only a small fraction of some of man’s needs. At the same time, architectural design can also come in to define how each of these needs will be addressed. All families need a living room but the living room can be small, large, or very large, depending on how one would define his or her family’s needs for a living room. Further, even if all families may want a specific size of a living room. However, the same living room may be elegant, classy, or simply simple. Take for instance, a shelter or a home. How should a home be designed in a way that the shelter becomes aesthetic and responsive to the needs of a family? Aesthetics have perspectives. The family or the client’s taste can be gothic, roman, modern, conservative, classic, psychedelic or specific taste. They homeowner may be of Latin American heritage, African, European, Asian, French, Chinese, American Indian, Black American, or from another race or ethnicity. Each of the race or ethnic group may have a perspective on aesthetics that project their heritage and the homeowner may want that projected in his home. The family or client may want his home to project specific symbolisms or values. The client may want to project power, wealth, taste, values, culture, and the like. The client may be catholic-religious and may want his home to project his faith: he or she may want to adorn his house with the statues of saints or the Roman Catholic version of the cross. He or she may be a Muslim and may want to reflect his or her faith in the home in a manner that consistent with the faith of Islam. A home is designed to meet the needs of the owner. Will the homeowner be needing a prayer room? A computer room? A lib rary? Will he or she want a social room? How large will the social room be? How many people should it accommodate when space and budget are not constraints? Is there anything in the homeowner’s heritage that suggest how large the social room should be? How many bedrooms? Of course, an architect may directly ask the prospective homeowner for design information. However, what if so many houses will have to be constructed and rows of houses will have to be designed in advance or before they are sold? Further, how could architects design the homes even before the architects meet the potential homeowners? This is the case for many subdivisions wherein houses are designed without the benefit of information on specifications from buyers. On the matter of anticipating the house buyers’ preferences for houses and architectural design, an architect’s knowledge of research is useful as the basis for architectural design. II. Qualitative Research Although, thousands of book s have emerged on qualitative research, the literature usually on describe but not explicit define qualitative research. For instance, Bergman (2008, p. 12) described qualitative research to have the following characteristics and/or assumptions/perspectives: 1. How man would perceive reality or fact is a construction, especially a social construction, and a multiple reality exists. In other words, men would describe the same reality in different ways because each of them would have a specific perspective on reality.
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Social Exclusion in Social Work
Social Exclusion in Social Work This aim of this essay is to discuss the role of the social worker in addressing social exclusion and discrimination and the impact that such issues have on individuals, groups and communities. I am also going to demonstrate my understanding of anti-oppressive practice and ethical issues that social workers face, particularly in the Welsh context. Accordingly, ever since the late 1980s there has been a rising understanding of the effect of oppression and discrimination on individuals, groups and communities (Thompson, 1997). More recently, anti-discriminatory practice has surfaced as a main focal point underpinning social work policy, theory and practice (Pierson, 2002). Hence, with the aim of carrying out their role constructively, social workers should develop and uphold an awareness of why anti-oppressive and anti-discriminatory practice standpoints are vital and the approach that they can take when dealing with discrimination, oppression and social exclusion. Wales, like other na tions, is merely an example of a multi-cultural society with various dissimilar aspects of diversity and personal experiences. Thus, gender, class, language, age, ethnic group, together with other social factors, collectively have an effect on a persons social identity, experience, and awareness of the world that they inhabit (Williams, 2007). With this in mind, discussing the effects of discrimination and social exclusion, and tackling matters of oppression, may provoke numerous difficulties for social work practitioners. Nevertheless, valuable practice tools have been developed so as to challenge inequalities and endorse social inclusion (Thompson 1997; Pierson 2002). Accordingly, it can be said that impartiality is fundamental to social equality. In this regard, persons and groups must believe that they are able to partake wholly in the community and be thought of as equal members. In situations where this is not the reality, individuals could be subjected to isolation, detachment, disadvantage and prejudice. In particular instances, this could cause generations of individuals living on the margins of society. Thus, the ideas of social exclusion and discrimination are very much in parallel. Societies lacking in equality where specific individuals or groups are discriminated against can cause exclusion. Similarly, social exclusion promotes inequality and discrimination ( The Social Exclusion Unit delineated social exclusion as what can occur when individuals, groups or communities experience a combination of concurrent difficulties such as unemployment, poor skills, low incomes, poor housing, high crime environments, ba d health and family breakdown ( Likewise, discrimination emerges when a person or group is treated unfavourably, when compared with others in similar circumstances, because of their age, sexual orientation, disability, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, or gender. (Adams, Dominelli and Payne, 1998). Accordingly, it can be said that socially excluded individuals or groups are incapable of playing a full part in the community due to an array of difficulties they are confronted with, such as unemployment, lack of skills, ill-health or inequality. Frequently, specific individuals or groups are more likely to encounter these difficulties. As an example, individuals that suffer from a disability or mental ill health come across apprehension and intolerance from other persons, often derived from erroneous beliefs about such conditions. Such stigma could not only intensify individual distress but could also inhibit the person from seeking necessary assi stance. Hence, such social exclusion and discrimination could obstruct access to services and resources such as housing, employment, parental rights, immigration, health care and access to justice (Sayce, 1998). These individuals or groups that are excluded from society have to conquer these obstacles to opportunities that other members of the community enjoy. It has been documented that Wales possesses some of the most disadvantaged communities throughout Europe (Williams, 2004). Moreover, the Assembly Government refers to regions of marked deprivation exemplified by dependence on benefits and a necessity for employment opportunities (National Assembly for Wales, 2009). In addition to inadequately salaried or lack of work, poor skills have also been noted as a vital cause of unemployment, economic inactivity and poverty for individuals, and in 2001, 20% of adults of working age in Wales had no qualifications (National Assembly for Wales, 2009). For 2008, the young adult (16-24) une mployment rates was 16%. Consequently, almost half of the individuals in Wales without work are under 25 ( Such lack of prospects underpins the probability of some individuals or groups being incapable of fully integrating into the community. Thus, those socially excluded can experience feelings of stress, poor health and isolation due to low living standards and limited access to services (National Assembly for Wales, 2009). Other members of society can encounter greater degrees of anxiety and reduced mobility due to reduced social unity and augmented concern for criminal activity (Pierson, 2002). Accordingly, the social worker has the crucial responsibility of making the quality of existence better for individuals, groups and communities and challenging the triggers of social exclusion and discrimination. Hence the role and task of the social worker is complex. The role ranges across empowerment, counselling, advocacy, partnership, needs assessment, care management and social control (Scourfield, Holland and Young, 2008). Social work practitioners should be dedicated to human rights and equality and strive to encourage and support individuals, groups and communities that experience the damaging consequences of social injustice. Thus, the social work profession promotes social change, problem-solving in human relationships, and the empowerment and liberation of people to enhance well-being. Utilising theories of human behaviour and social systems, social work intervenes at points where people interact with their environments. Principles of human rights and social justice are fundamental to social work ( This indicates that social workers have a duty to confront discriminatory attitudes towards persons due to capability, age, ethnicity, gender, class, marital position, political beliefs, racial or other physical characteristics, or sexuality ( Within their role, social workers should have a duty to work towards an inclusive society by confronting circumstances that promote social exclusion, oppression and/or hardship. Hence, Pierson (2002) has documented five extensive building blocks for social workers to employ in practice to effectively work with socially excluded individuals, groups and communities and ultimately promote social inclusion. The first building block encompasses the significance of concentrating on income and for the social worker to have a full understanding of the benefits system overall (Pierson, 2002: 42-47). The second building block encompasses the part played by networks jointly as a basis of reliable collective support for individuals, groups and communities and as a practical means for social workers (Pierson, 2002: 47-51). The third building block encompasses partnerships between citizens, groups, volunt ary, private and religious organisations and statutory services where holistic, coherent action can be carried out on the ground (Pierson, 2002: 51-56). The fourth building block encompasses several advantages in developing elevated levels of service user and neighbourhood participation in the community. For example, legislation such as the Children Act 1989, the NHS and Community Care Act of 1990 and the Disabled Persons Representation Act in 1996, required local authorities to consult closely with users when they undertake assessments and devise care plans, and in the follow-up reviews of how those plans are actually unfolding (Pierson 2002: 57). Also, proposals by Government, for example Quality Protects, New Deal for Communities and the Best Value framework necessitate citizen involvement (Pierson, 2002:57). Finally, the fifth building block encompasses the importance of the whole community and assisting resident ability through neighbourhood improvements. For example, involveme nt in community activities, childcare, looking after neighbours, credit unions and neighbourhood watch (Pierson 2002: 65). Moreover, in executing their role, social workers habitually face ethical issues when discovering challenging principles and obligations (Mattison, 2000). Hence, the principles or ethics of independence may be at variance with not only a responsibility of care, but also between the wellbeing for the person and the wellbeing of other members of society (Mattison, 2000). For this reason, it is crucial for social workers to carefully consider their own principles and practice. This is fundamental because even though frameworks like the professional code of ethics are made available to offer practical assistance, to a degree, using ones own discretion when making decisions is unavoidable (Mattison, 2000). Social workers must also confront ethical issues regarding confidentiality. Hence, social workers often make judgements as to whether it is deemed necessary to reveal confidential information to outside organisations without the individuals permission so as to protect society or comply with legal judgements or legislation. A further ethical issue is professional paternalism or beneficence, which means that social workers may have to make judgements about whether to place restrictions on individuals that engage in self-harming conduct, for example substance misuse or rejecting certain services (Clark, 1998). Moreover, it seems crucial to use an anti-oppressive approach when dealing with ethical issues. Hence, various fundamental principles underpinning anti-oppressive practice in Wales have been documented by Elaine Davies (1994). These include the following:Â a service user has the right to decide which language to use with the Social Worker; individuals are able to communicate more effectively and contentedly in their preferred language; high-quality practice means offering service users an actual choice over language use; an all-embracing service of excellence in Wales means a bilingual service; and refusing this right is a way of oppressing an individual (Da vies, 1994: 60). In addition, particular sections of the Children Act 1989 place an obligation on agencies to take a childs language into consideration when assessing and providing services (Davies, 1994). The characteristics of the Act are influential with importance placed on partnership and consultation. Thus, it is stated that it is unfeasible to converse productively without using the preferred language of the child and family and their racial, cultural, religious and linguistic background must be taken into account (Davies, 1994). Moreover, Article 30 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 is comparable to the Children Act and declares that children who are members of an ethnic, religious or linguistic minority must not be deprived of the right to enjoy their culture, practice their religion, or use their language (cited in Welsh Assembly Government, 2004: 68). Therefore, every individual that converses in Welsh should be able to decide which language to use. Also, offering language choice provides the service user with appropriate power and an effective ability to speak. Effective social work practice also means undertaking assessments and providing services in the service users preferred language. Moreover, language appropriate provision should be considered under the scope of equal opportunities in the main, with the Welsh Language Act 1993 being a close comparative to other forms of legislation that advocate equality, such as, the Race Relations Act 1976 and the Human Rights Act 2000 (Scourfield, Holland and Young, 2008 ). Thus, it has been documented that language is not only a mode of communication; it is also a system by which an individual assembles their identity and their understanding of the world (Williams, 2007). Accordingly, social workers must strive to identify and respect diversity and to challenge inequalities and hardship (cited in Welsh Assembly Government, 2004: 14). To conclude, social work has the capacity to transform an individuals existence for the better due to the breadth of the role and the variety of its resources. Considerable improvements have been made by altering the way in which services are made available in Welsh communities. For example, social services in local government strive to safeguard adults who are vulnerable or at risk, promote social inclusion and support persons to live independently where this is possible (Williams, 2007). A consequence of the All-Wales Strategy for Older People was the creation of the National Service Framework for Older People in Wales and the establishment of the position of Commissioner for Older People to counteract discrimination and oppression and eventually to promote opportunities (Williams, 2007). Such standards of practice have been intensified through the Care Council for Wales and the Care and Social Services inspectorate for Wales (Scourfield et al, 2008). Additionally, the unique role enables social work practitioners to diverge from more formal practice and have contact with individuals and groups in their own homes or communities, in order to work in partnership rather than enforce solutions to difficulties (Pierson, 2002). Hence, it has been disputed that a unique quality of social work is found in the close attention it pays to individuals own understanding of their situation and to the informal processes by which client or user and social worker broker a solution (Jordan, 1987 cited in Pierson, 2002: XV). This distinctive practice approach presents numerous opportunities for social workers to address discrimination and exclusion, and ultimately promote equality and the inclusion of individuals and groups in society (Pierson, 2002). Bibliography Adams, R. , Dominelli, L. and Payne, M. (1998) Social Work: Themes, Issues and Critical Debates (Palgrave). Care Council for Wales Code of Practice (available online at Clark, C. (1998) Self-determination and Paternalism in Community Care: Practice and Prospects, British Journal of Social Work, 28, pp. 387-402. Davies, E. (1994) They all Speak Welsh Anyway: Yr iaith Gymraeg ac ymarfer gwrth-orthrymol; the Welsh Language and Anti-oppressive Practice (Caerdydd: CCETSW). Jordan, B. (1987) Rethinking Welfare (Oxford: Blackwell), cited in Pierson, J. (2002) Tackling Social Exclusion (Routledge). Joseph Rountree Foundation (2009) Monitoring poverty and social exclusion in Wales (available online at International Federation of Social Workers (available online at Mattison, M. (2000) Ethical Decision Making: The Person in the Process, Social Work Vol.45 (3), pp.201-212. National Assembly for Wales 2009 Third Annual Report on Social Exclusion in Wales. Cardiff: National Assembly for Wales. Pierson, J. (2002) Tackling Social Exclusion (Routledge). Sayce, L. , (1998) From Psychiatric Patient to Citizen (Basingstoke: Macmillan). Scourfield, J. , Holland, S. and Young, C. (2008) Social Work in Wales Since Democratic Devolution, Australian Social Work, 61, pp. 42-56. Social Exclusion Unit (available online at Thompson, N. (1997) Anti-Discriminatory Practice (Macmillan Press LTD). Welsh Assembly Government (2004) Children and Young People: Rights to Action (available online at Welsh Assembly Government (2007) A Strategy for Social Services in Wales over the next Decade: Fulfilled Lives, Supportive Communities (available online at Williams, C. , (2004) Access to Justice and Social Inclusion: The Policy Changes in Wales, Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 26(1) pp. 53-68. Williams, C. (2007) Social Policy for Social Welfare Practice in a Devolved Wales (Venture Press).
Monday, January 20, 2020
Sodium Thiosulphate & Acid :: GCSE Chemistry Coursework Investigation
Sodium Thiosulphate & Acid Planning To ensure that this experiment is safe, I have taken some precautions. I wore goggles at all times, made sure not to spill any chemicals such as the acid onto skin or clothes, and to be aware of glass. I have used various different apparatus, including two measuring cylinders, one 25ml, and the other 50ml. I used a 150ml chronicle flask and a stopwatch. Here is a few diagrams of these apparatus. What I Will Vary, Not Change To Keep A Fair Test & What I Will Observe & Measure I will vary the amount of Sodium Thiosulphate (10-50ml), but keeping the same amount of Hydrochloric Acid (25ml) to make it a fair test. Also when I vary the amount of Sodium Thiosulphate, I will always keep the same total volume of the mixture, therefore topping it up to 75ml every time. I will be observing the reaction of the two chemicals, and measure how quickly the sulphur is produced. I will also keep the start temperature the same. What Will I Try To Find Out I am going to find out how long it takes for Sodium Thiosulphate ( ) to react wit Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) to produce Sulphur so you can no longer see through it (opaque). To do this I will use paper with writing on, and wait until I can no longer read it, because the solution will turn 'milky.' My Prediction The stronger the solution, therefore the more Thiosulphate particles, the quicker the reaction because; there will be more particles in the solution to react with the Hydrochloric Acid, with a bigger percentage chance of reacting/hitting it. This is because if there is more particles in the total substance of 75ml, there is less surface area free. Twice the amount of particles, in the same total volume, means twice the chance of collision therefore in theory half the time on reaction, due to a high concentration. This is the 'Collision Theory.' This means that my overall prediction is that when the strongest amount of Sodium Thiosulphate is added to the Hydrochloric Acid, it will react faster. This also, proved above means that I will not need to add water, so preventing dilution. Diagram Proving Prediction Method 1. Measure out 25ml of Hydrochloric Acid (Hcl) - keep the same every time. 2. Measure out the needed amount of Sodium Thiosulphate ( ) in a cylinder 3. Pour ( ) into a chronicle flask 4. Place paper with writing on under flask 5. Add Hcl, as soon as it mixes with the ( ), start the stopwatch 6. As soon as the solute has finished reacting, and the writing is no
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Life Philosophy Essay
The meaning of life is to give life meaning Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. Life Philosophy of John Wooden Even a fool knows you can’t reach the stars, but that doesn’t stop a wise man from trying. â€Å"You can’t make someone Else’s choices. You shouldn’t let someone else make yours. †Life Philosophy of Gen. Colin Powell Man is not the creature of circumstances, circumstances are the creatures of men. We are free agents, and man is more powerful than matter. Life Philosophy of Benjamin Disraeli. When an affliction happens to you, you either let it defeat you, or you defeat it†¦ Life Philosophy of Rosalind Russell A life lived in fear is a life half lived. To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong. â€Å"It is better to be hated for what you are then to be loved for what your not†There are always two choices. Two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it’s easy. Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will. Life Philosophy of Zig Ziglar You will never achieve what you never begin†¦ The measure of a man is the way he bears up under misfortune. Don’t wait for your ship to come in, swim out to it. Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore. Philosophy of Life by Andre Gide If one seeks advice, give them direction, not correction. Sooner or later, those who win are those who think they can. Philosophy of Life by Richard Bach Do the things you know, and you shall learn the truth you need to know. Philosophy of Life by George Macdonald Let us not be content to wait and see what will happen, but give us the determination to make the right things happen. Philosophy of Life by Peter Marshall It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation. Don’t take life too seriously. no one gets out alive, anyways. Before you talk about what you want – appreciate what you have. A man either lives life as it happens to him, meets it head-on and licks it, or he turns his back on it and starts to wither away. Life Philosophy from Gene Roddenberry You see, in life, lots of people know what to do, but few people actually do what they know. Knowing is not enough! You must take action. Life Philosophy from Anthony Robbins If you believe you can, you probably can. If you believe you won’t, you most assuredly won’t. Belief is the ignition switch that gets you off the launching pad. Life Philosophy from Denis Waitley You can do what you think you can do and you cannot do what you think you cannot Life Philosophy from Ben Stein Find something you love to do and you’ll never have to work a day in your life. Life Philosophy from Harvey Mackay You can do what you want to do. You can be what you want to be. Life Philosophy from R. David Thomas Philosophies in Life PHILOSOPHY may be defined as the study and pursuit of facts which deal with the ultimate reality or causes of things as they affect life. The philosophy of a country like the Philippines is made up of the intricate and composite interrelationship of the life histories of its people; in other word, the philosophy of our nation would be strange and undefinable if we do not delve into the past tied up with the notable life experiences of the representative personalities of our nation. Being one of the prominent representatives of Filipino personalities, Jose Rizal is a fit subject whose life philosophy deserves to be recognized. Having been a victim of Spanish brutality early in his life in Calamba, Rizal had thus already formed the nucleus of an unfavorable opinion of Castillian imperialistic administration of his country and people. Pitiful social conditions existed in the Philippines as late as three centuries after his conquest in Spain, with agriculture, commerce, communications and education languishing under its most backward state. It was because of this social malady that social evils like inferiority complex, cowardice, timidity and false pride pervaded nationally and contributed to the decay of social life. This stimulated and shaped Rizal’s life phylosophy to be to contain if not eliminate these social ills. Educational Philosophy Rizal’s concept of the importance of education is clearly enunciated in his work entitled Instruction wherein he sought improvements in the schools and in the methods of teaching. He maintained that the backwardness of his country during the Spanish ear was not due to the Filipinos’ indifference, apathy or indolence as claimed by the rulers, but to the neglect of the Spanish authorities in the islands. For Rizal, the mission of education is to elevate the country to the highest seat of glory and to develop the people’s mentality. Since education is the foundation of society and a prerequisite for social progress, Rizal claimed that only through education could the country be saved from domination. Rizal’s philosophy of education, therefore, centers on the provision of proper motivation in order to bolster the great social forces that make education a success, to create in the youth an innate desire to cultivate his intelligence and give him life eternal. Religious Philosophy Rizal grew up nurtured by a closely-knit Catholic family, was educated in the foremost Catholic schools of the period in the elementary, secondary and college levels; logically, therefore, he should have been a propagator of strictly Catholic traditions. However, in later life, he developed a life philosophy of a different nature, a philosophy of a different Catholic practice intermingled with the use of Truth and Reason. Why the change? It could have been the result of contemporary contact, companionship, observation, research and the possession of an independent spirit. Being a critical observer, a profound thinker and a zealous reformer, Rizal did not agree with the prevailing Christian propagation of the Faith by fire and sword. This is shown in his Annotation of Morga’s Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas. Rizal did not believe in the Catholic dogma that salvation was only for Catholics and that outside Christianity, salvation was not possible even if Catholics composed only a small minority of the world’s religious groups. Nor did he believe in the Catholic observation of fasting as a sacrifice, nor in the sale of such religious items as the cross, medals, rosaries and the like in order to propagate the Faith and raise church funds. He also lambasted the superstitious beliefs propagated by the priests in the church and in the schools. All of these and a lot more are evidences of Rizal’s religious philosophy. Political Philosophy In Rizal’s political view, a conquered country like the Philippines should not be taken advantage of but rather should be developed, civilized, educated and trained in the science of self-government. He bitterly assailed and criticized in publications the apparent backwardness of the Spanish ruler’s method of governing the country which resulted in: 1. the bondage and slavery of the conquered ; 2. the Spanish government’s requirement of forced labor and force military service upon the n natives; 3. the abuse of power by means of exploitation; 4.the government ruling that any complaint against the authorities was criminal; and 5. Making the people ignorant, destitute and fanatic, thus discouraging the formation of a national sentiment. Rizal’s guiding political philosophy proved to be the study and application of reforms, the extension of human rights, the training for self government and the arousing of spirit of discontent over oppression, brutality, inhumanity, sensitiveness and self love. Ethical Philosophy The study of human behavior as to whether it is good or bad or whether it is right or wrong is that science upon which Rizal’s ethical philosophy was based. The fact that the Philippines was under Spanish domination during Rizal’s time led him to subordinate his philosophy to moral problems. This trend was much more needed at that time because the Spaniards and the Filipinos had different and sometimes conflicting morals. The moral status of the Philippines during this period was one with a lack of freedom, one with predominance of foreign masters, one with an imposition of foreign religious worship, devotion, homage and racial habits. This led to moral confusion among the people, what with justice being stifled, limited or curtailed and the people not enjoying any individual rights. To bolster his ethical philosophy, Dr. Rizal had recognized not only the forces of good and evil, but also the tendencies towards good and evil. As a result, he made use of the practical method of appealing to the better nature of the conquerors and of offering useful methods of solving the moral problems of the conquered. To support his ethical philosophy in life, Rizal: 1. censured the friars for abusing the advantage of their position as spiritual leaders and the ignorance and fanaticism of the natives; 2. counseled the Filipinos not to resent a defect attributed to them but to accept same as reasonable and just; 3. advised the masses that the object of marriage was the happiness and love of the couple and not financial gain; 4. censured the priests who preached greed and wrong morality; and 5. advised every one that love and respect for parents must be strictly observed. Social Philosophy That body of knowledge relating to society including the wisdom which man’s experience in society has taught him is social philosophy. The facts dealt with are principles involved in nation building and not individual social problems. The subject matter of this social philosophy covers the problems of the whole race, with every problem having a distinct solution to bolster the people’s social knowledge. Rizal’s social philosophy dealt with; 1. man in society; 2. influential factors in human life; 3. racial problems; 4. social constant; 5. social justice; 6. social ideal; 7. poverty and wealth; 8. reforms; 9. youth and greatness; 10. history and progress; 11. future Philippines. The above dealt with man’s evolution and his environment, explaining for the most part human behavior and capacities like his will to live; his desire to possess happiness; the change of his mentality; the role of virtuous women in the guidance of great men; the need for elevating and inspiring mission; the duties and dictates of man’s conscience; man’s need of practicing gratitude; the necessity for consulting reliable people; his need for experience; his ability to deny; the importance of deliberation; the voluntary offer of man’s abilities and possibilities; the ability to think, aspire and strive to rise; and the proper use of hearth, brain and spirit-all of these combining to enhance the intricacies, beauty and values of human nature. All of the above served as Rizal’s guide in his continuous effort to make over his beloved Philippines.
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