Thursday, December 26, 2019
The Importance Of A Virtual Life Essay Essay - 2182 Words
Virtual Life Essay Through out my time raising my child, Grace, there were many concepts, key terms, and theories that I was able to identify and relate to from this Psychology, Human Development, course that I took through out this semester. I was able to watch Grace grow into a smart, strong and independent adult due to the knowledge learned from the course. I knew to start as soon as Grace was born and stay connected within her life through out the years as she grew throughout the different stages of her life. Beginning with Grace as a newborn, instead of starting her with formula right away, breast feeding is the option that I chose. Breast feeding would benefit Grace through disease protection, cognitive development, reduce that chance of her becoming obese, and allow the chance of better health in her later years of aging. The breast milk from a mother consist of antibodies that reinforces the immune system of the infant and consists of nutrients that aids in early brain develo pment, also known to increase in the child’s cognitive development. Due to Grace being raised in a developed country I felt the need to breast feed for at least 6 months to help decrease her risk to being obese. Breast feeding benefits Grace throughout her long-term health; it also works in ways such as â€Å"promotes bone density, enhancing vision, and improving cardiovascular functioning†, which assists in a healthier life later on (Arnett 112). These are reasons as to why Grace was breast fedShow MoreRelatedThe Internet And Its Effects On The Environment1538 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction Cyberspace has allowed people around the world to be interconnected each other to exchange ideas, services, or friendship. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The Government Should Fund Embryonic Stem Cell Research Essay
Millions of people die every year from diseases and accidents; the nightly news is filled with reports about the devastating effects of cancer, horrific accidents, and disasters that leave people disfigured or paralyzed. Embryonic stem cell research is a part of biomedical science and has the potential to ease the suffering of sick people by curing diseases and defects, creating organs and tissue for patients needing transplants or skin grafts, regenerating axons in spinal cord injuries, and creating new treatments, drugs, and immunizations. However, America’s government does not support this research to an extent that would make a difference in medicine; only a few stem cell lines are authorized, and federal funding is minimal. The†¦show more content†¦Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) are pluripotent and are obtained from the inner mass of a 4-5 day old human blastocyst that consists of approximately 100 cells (â€Å"Stem cell research,†2009). Stem cells are grown on Petri dishes in a laboratory and are never implanted in a woman’s uterus. These cells can be used to create stem cell lines that can grow indefinitely under optimal conditions (â€Å"Stem cells and diseases,†2011). Embryonic stem cells can be obtained from existing stem cell lines (any group of cells that came from the same original embryo), aborted or miscarried embryos, unused in vitro fertilized embryos, and cloned embryos created from somatic cell nuclear transfer (the nucleus from an unfertilized egg is removed and replaced with a nucleus from an adult stem cell). This technique would be used for therapeutic cloning, which could grow organs or skin grafts for patients. However, the only research that is federally funded are a few embryonic stem cell lines created from unused embryos at in vitro fertilization (IVF) clinics before 2001 (Dunn, 2005; â€Å"Embryonic fetal research laws,†2008; Therapeutic cloning, 2009). These lines are not enough to allow scientists to fully explore and take advantage of potential findings. Limited government support may have also contributed to increased political and religious controversy, which has leftShow MoreRelatedEmbryonic Stem Cell Research Essay1429 Words  | 6 Pagescure a disease? Embryonic Stem Cells can be used to treat many different diseases, but some people have their opinion that using these stem cells in medicine is unethical because they are coming from a human embryo. There are countries that have banned the use of embryonic stem cells in medicine, and in America there are people arguing that it should be banned here. But what about all of the lives these stem cells are saving, what if research continues and these embryonic stem cells end up being aRead MoreResearch On Stem Cell Research1582 Words  | 7 Pagesis beginning to fall behind in its advancement in research compared to the rest of the world due, to the lack of federal funding. One advancement which creates conflicts and dilemmas is stem cell research. The conflicts are specific typ es of stem cells are unethical and not morally right to research on, but not all stem cells are this way. Stem cell research is the study of different types of stem cells and their possible clinical uses. Stem cells can be developed to act as treatments for differentRead MoreResearch On Stem Cell Research Essay1708 Words  | 7 Pages Stem Cell Research James A Merritt PIMA Medical institute Embryonic stem cell research is a controversial topic. In the religious aspect its man trying to play the authority of GOD on whether people should live, die or suffer from ailments and injuries. On a scientific and medical aspect it is compassionate people lookingRead MoreEmbryonic Stem Cells Pros And Cons1664 Words  | 7 Pagesyears, researchers have been studying the miraculous potential of human embryonic stem cells. Human embryonic stem cells, also known as hESC, have the ability to develop into any kind of specialized cells in the human body, ranging from as simple as a skin cell to as complex as a neuron. This â€Å"miracle cure,†however, comes with a great cost; the stem cells have to be extracted from a human embryo, completely destroying it. Research institutions often obtain embryos either from abortion clinics or, mostRead MoreThe Debate Over Embryonic Stem Cell Research1652 Words  | 7 PagesEmbryonic stem cell research could one day hold the key to many new scientific discoveries if it is continuously funded in the years to come. I chose to base my research around the question, Should embryonic stem cell research be government funded? When I finish highschool I hope to pursue a career in the medical field. Although I wish to become a doctor and may not be directly researching stem cells, they may one day be a treatment that I will have to administer to patients. To answer this questionRead More Stem Cell Research Essay1291 Words  | 6 PagesStem Cell Research      In modern medicine today there are remedies for many diseases and sicknesses. For those unfortunate few with rare diseases, cancer, or a genetic mutation, we don’t have a resolution or cure. The race to find these cures is going on right now. Many think the solution can be found in the tiny embryonic stem cells. Most of the people who believe that the embryonic stem cell is the solution also believe that the federal government should help fund the research. The use ofRead MoreEmbryonic Stem Cell Research Can Save Lives Essay1616 Words  | 7 Pagesbiomedicine has been the research of embryonic stem cells. Stem cells are extremely fascinating to what they can do they have the potential to develop into many different cell types in the body during early life and growth. In many tissues they serve as a sort of internal repair system, dividing without limit to replace other cells as along as the person is still alive. When stem cells divide they could become specialized cells such as muscle cells, red blood cells, brain cells, and etc. their uniqueRead MoreStem Cell Research1647 Words  | 7 Pages Stem cell research has been and will always be a controversial subject. With today’s advanced technology, scientists are trying to create new, healthy cells to repair any damaged cell. However, this action requires the destruction of an embryonic cell in its early stages of development. This is where the controversy comes in hand; people are taken back and refuse to fund stem cell researchers or the clinics that perform such procedure. Most people who are pro-life are against and challengeRead More Embryonic Stem Cell Research: How does it affect you? Essay1557 Words  | 7 Pages Embryonic Stem Cell Research: How does it affect you? nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Embryonic stem cell research is widely controversial in the scientific world. Issues on the ethics of Embryonic Stem (ES) cell research have created pandemonium in our society. The different views on this subject are well researched and supportive. The facts presented have the capability to support or possibly change the public’s perspective. This case study is based on facts and concernsRead MoreOpposing Embryonic Stem Cell Research Essay1748 Words  | 7 PagesOpposing Embryonic Stem Cell Research Stem cell research has a lot to offer in the way of treatments, or even cures to some devastating diseases that humans face. However, research using human embryonic stem cells that can only be obtained by killing a human embryo can not be condoned or paid for by the United States Government. Federal funding needs to focus on the adult stem cell research that has already been proven successful and can be obtained without destroying a human life. Ethics
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Trumpet Essay Example For Students
Trumpet Essay A common idea presented in literature is the issue ofthe freedom of the individual in opposition to thecontrolling pressures of society. Willy Loman, the maincharacter in Death of A Salesman by Arthur Miller,epitomizes this type of person; one who looks to his peersand co-salesman as lesser individuals. Not only was hecompetitive and overbearing, but Willy Loman sought after anideal that he could never become: the greatest salesmanever. Determined to make money, Willy became uncontrollableand somewhat insane. Through his dialogue and actions,Willy Loman portrays a character of insecurity, persistence, From the very beginning of his life, Willy Lomanexperienced problems with his popularity and personality. His last name is a pun on a low man. He is at the bottomof the business world as an unsuccessful salesman. Inaddition, his theories on life and society prove to be verydegrading, not to mention influential to his mind set everyday. Willy believes that being well-liked and having apersonal attractiveness, together, can bring success, money,and many friends. Ironically, Willy does not have manyfriends and many people do not like him. With a beautyunlike others, Willy thinks that doors will open and As a salesman, Willy developed many hindrances thatcaused his mind to deteriorate. His life as a salesman wasbuilt on a dream that he witnessed as a child. At an earlyage, Willy heard of a salesman, Dave Singleman, who couldmake his living out of a hotel room. Singleman was verysuccessful and when he died, people from all over thecountry came to his funeral. It was this ideal that WillyLoman sought after. All he ever wanted was fame,popularity, and a few friends. Unfortunately, when Willydied, not a single person went to his funeral. His life,one that was spent trying to become another person, namelyDave Singleman, was a waste as no-one even wanted to see him In reflection of his career with the Wagner Company,many other problems arose that forced economic difficultieson him and his family. He was determined to live by idealsthat placed him above everyone else. It was with these liesand illusions that Willys life began to lose its air ofreality. He lost his identity, courage, and dignitythroughout New England as a salesman. And as he explainedoften, I have friendsThey know me up and down NewEngland. Realistically, though, Willy was not successful. He did not have friends and people did not like him in New With his self-identity weakened and undermined, Willylost his grasp of things in general. (P.P Sharma, criticalanalysis) He spent hours on hours dreaming of the past. Thinking of himself and his son Biff who had potential, butdid not take advantage of it. Biff was Willys inspirationas a father. He had the determination to become a greatfootball player, not to mention make something with his lifeand the Loman name. However, Biff flunked math and threwall of his opportunities away. It was with thesecircumstances that Biff and his father began to separate. Willy always promised his sons prosperity and good-fortune,but he could not give that to him and when he lost Biff, hislife became an even larger failure. In other memories and illusions, Willy often replaysthe moments with his brother, Ben. Specifically, the timewhen Willy was offered a job in Alaska; the job which wouldhave made him an enormous amount of money haunts Willy everytime he tries to sell his Wagner stockings, only to have hissales come up lame. .ua153f3aeba39616e1d48eb97c0938735 , .ua153f3aeba39616e1d48eb97c0938735 .postImageUrl , .ua153f3aeba39616e1d48eb97c0938735 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua153f3aeba39616e1d48eb97c0938735 , .ua153f3aeba39616e1d48eb97c0938735:hover , .ua153f3aeba39616e1d48eb97c0938735:visited , .ua153f3aeba39616e1d48eb97c0938735:active { border:0!important; } .ua153f3aeba39616e1d48eb97c0938735 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua153f3aeba39616e1d48eb97c0938735 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua153f3aeba39616e1d48eb97c0938735:active , .ua153f3aeba39616e1d48eb97c0938735:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua153f3aeba39616e1d48eb97c0938735 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua153f3aeba39616e1d48eb97c0938735 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua153f3aeba39616e1d48eb97c0938735 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua153f3aeba39616e1d48eb97c0938735 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua153f3aeba39616e1d48eb97c0938735:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua153f3aeba39616e1d48eb97c0938735 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua153f3aeba39616e1d48eb97c0938735 .ua153f3aeba39616e1d48eb97c0938735-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua153f3aeba39616e1d48eb97c0938735:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Artificial Intelligence Essay With low sales and age, Willy decidedto ask for a job in New York. And it was at this time thathis company decided to stop paying by salary, but solely oncommission. And for a man who cannot sell well, the loss ofa salary is very detrimental to his well-being. AlthoughWilly is aware, maybe dimly and imperfectly, that he is notcut out for success in the world of trade and commerce, henevertheless nurses the dream of getting the better ofeverybody else. And this leads him into an alienation fromhimself, obscuring his real identity. (P. P. Sharma, Willys life would have been more satisfying had heengaged himself in more physical work that would occupy hismind. His life was situated on a dream for success andprosperity. When it never arrived, Willy spent a lot oftime, just brainstorming how to make his life what he wantedit to be. Putting
Monday, December 2, 2019
The African Lion Essay Example For Students
The African Lion Essay The lion is known as king of the jungle because of its huge size and ferocious appearance, the most common type of lion is the African lion. The African lion has the genus species Panthera (panther, leopard) leo (lion). Panthera leo has the common name lion and comes from the felidae family. Panthera leo is in the mammali class and has the order carnivora(Bush Gardens, 1996). Lions live in sub-Saharan Africa in grasslands and semi-arid plains in prides which is a group of lions that live in the same area and share hunting duties(Bush Gardens,1996). Lions are the only truly social cat species, usually a pride consists of two males, seven females, and any amount of cubs. The lionesses are usually sisters or cousins that have all been together since birth. The average mature male stands four feet at the shoulder, weighs in around 450 pounds and is around eight and a half feet long plus his tail. The female on the other hand is considerably smaller and weighs in at a average of three hundred pounds. Lions usually have a light or dark brown plain spotless coat, white coated lions are sometimes found in southern Africa but they are not true albinos (African Savannah). We will write a custom essay on The African Lion specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The male lion reaches sexual maturity at the age of five years and the lioness- which is the female lion, reaches its sexual maturity at the age of four. Lionesses in a pride usually enter breeding season together and later give birth at the same time which allows the lionesses to share nursing and other maternal duties. The lioness is pregnant between 98 and 105 days until it gives birth to a average of 3 cubs, unfortunately only one of those cubs will survive the first year of life due to the harsh conditions in their habitats (Bush Gardens, 1996). At birth the cubs are blind and move very slow. The cubs weigh less than five pounds (Wild Animals) and are marked with spots which sometimes stay on their legs and belly until they are fully grown. (African Savannah). When the cubs reach five months of age, they weigh an average of fifty pounds but they still act playful like a kitten. In most cases, when the cub reaches nine months of age, their spots disappear. When the cubs come to the age of a year and a half, the mother teaches them to hunt (Comptons 1993, 1994). The male lions have a brown mane which grows darker and fuller as the lion ages (African Savannah) and at the age of three the mane slowly starts to show up. The average lion in the wild that lives past the age of one lives between 15 and 18 years and reaches its prime or time it is the strongest at the age of eight (African Savannah). Lions eat a variety of different prey and usually hunt at night(Comptons,1993, 1994-African Savannah). They prefer to eat wildebeast more than anything else, unfortunately they can only do so when migration brings the herds through the prides range. When the wildebeast herds are not migrating they eat buffalo, zebra, antelope, giraffe, and warthogs (African Savannah). When prey cant be caught, lions will steal food from other animals-usually from the hyenas. If absolutely no food can be found, lions will have to go to a last resort of eating snakes, termites, peanuts, fruits, and even rotten wood (Wild Animals). Although only one out of four hunting events is successful, dominant males always eat first, lionesses next, and the cubs are forced to fight for scraps and leftovers (Bush Gardens, 1996). .u42f22af941e644c3efe7ccf9e8f12e2b , .u42f22af941e644c3efe7ccf9e8f12e2b .postImageUrl , .u42f22af941e644c3efe7ccf9e8f12e2b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u42f22af941e644c3efe7ccf9e8f12e2b , .u42f22af941e644c3efe7ccf9e8f12e2b:hover , .u42f22af941e644c3efe7ccf9e8f12e2b:visited , .u42f22af941e644c3efe7ccf9e8f12e2b:active { border:0!important; } .u42f22af941e644c3efe7ccf9e8f12e2b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u42f22af941e644c3efe7ccf9e8f12e2b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u42f22af941e644c3efe7ccf9e8f12e2b:active , .u42f22af941e644c3efe7ccf9e8f12e2b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u42f22af941e644c3efe7ccf9e8f12e2b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u42f22af941e644c3efe7ccf9e8f12e2b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u42f22af941e644c3efe7ccf9e8f12e2b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u42f22af941e644c3efe7ccf9e8f12e2b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u42f22af941e644c3efe7ccf9e8f12e2b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u42f22af941e644c3efe7ccf9e8f12e2b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u42f22af941e644c3efe7ccf9e8f12e2b .u42f22af941e644c3efe7ccf9e8f12e2b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u42f22af941e644c3efe7ccf9e8f12e2b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Fahrenheit 451 (1191 words) EssayDue to the fact the lion is inactive up to twenty-one hours a day and does all their hunting at night, they have to be able to see at night (Bush Gardens, 1996). The size of lions eyes are bigger than humans and lions only need one sixth of the amount of light humans need to be able to see (Garman, 1997). Lions also have many other special characteristics that help them hunt and survive, some are listed below. The adult lions roar can be herd up to five miles away, this can be a warning that there is intruders or it can help guide strayed members of the pride back to the pride. The lion can also run up to thirty miles per hour when it is trying to catch its prey, but they can only go this fast for a limited time(Bush Gardens, 1996). The lion also is a digitgrade which means they walk on their toes and this makes it so when they walk it does not make any noise. The male lions mane is not just for looks either, it makes the lion seem bigger than he actually is and it also protects his throat when he gets in fights (African Savannah). The color of the lion is another thing that helps it survive in the wild. The lions fur is the same color as sun-dried grass, that makes it so they can slide across the plains, sneak up on their prey and attack (Comptons, 1993, 1994). So if you put all these special characteristics together you can see why the lion is called king of the jungle. Although lions may be king of the jungle, they are considered to be a threatened species. In 1991, only 200,000 African lions were left. Lions very rarely attack humans but over one hundred and fifty people were attacked by lions in Gir National Park alone (African Savannah). One reason why the lions attack is because they grow old and become to slow to be able to catch their prey. Another reason why lions might attack is because occasionally a lion cub some how gets a taste of human blood and after that he might continue to kill humans (Comptons 1993, 1994). The Lion is a very important animal for Africa. As described in the Disney movie The Lion King the lion keeps the circle of life moving. The lion keeps the gazelle population down by eating them, the gazelle meat keeps the lion alive, when the lion dies he fertilizes the grass, the grass grows and gives the gazelle food, and the circle just keeps going and going and going, but the gazelle isnt the only animal involved in the circle, it can be almost any animal. So as you realize it is very important that the lion stays alive, if there is only 200,000 lions left today, that means you could have no lions left at all ten years from now.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Congressional Party Leaders essays
Congressional Party Leaders essays In the evolution of the American political system and its Congress, the role party leaders have played has been important and at the same time relatively inconsistent. There have been several events that have come about since the creation of the United States Congress that have led to the inability of party leaders to maintain and utilize their political powers effectively. I will start by examining several events through the course of history that helped set up this these shifts in power over the last half century. We will also need to understand the roles that Congressional committees played in the evolution of this power and their effect on party leaders. Next, an explanation of why political parties became weak for time period in the middle of the 20th century will set up the basis of reasoning for the question why political party leaders in Congress became increasingly strong in the 1990s? Finally, breaking down the party leadership structure and analyzing two congressional leadership theories will ultimately help present a normative assessment of the amount power that should be invested in party leaders. When discussing the reasons for change in the powers of party leaders over the past half century, in order to fully understand the reasons for these changes it is important to be aware of a few historic events that led to this complicated up and down shift of power given to party leaders. As the Constitution of the United States of America was originally written, they vested absolutely no powers in party leaders. The reasoning for this is simply because their were no political parties, the founding fathers believed the development of political parties would be bad for the United States democracy. As the development of political parties came about in the United States, so did a beauracracy in Congress. The first notable shift in power came in 1910 when a revolt was sparked amongst the Republican party aga...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Free Essays on Fittness
The 1995 Dietary Guidelines for Americans Eat a variety of foods. I’m really bad in this area. I usually eat the same things every day. I eat sandwiches for lunch and pizza for dinner. I need to implement a variety of foods into my diet. Balance the food you eat with physical activity - maintain or improve your weight. I’m even worse in this area. Ever since I came to school, my physical activity has been limited to Fit/Well class. I really need to start doing some exercise. My weight right now isn’t too bad, but at this rate I’ll be really fat by the time I graduate. Choose a diet with plenty of grain products, vegetables, and fruits. I do fine in the grain products, but my fruits and vegetables are lacking. Choose a diet low in fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol. Fat intake should not exceed 30% of your total kcal intake. I average 36%. So, I need to cut down on my fats. Cholesterol intake should not exceed 300 mg per day. I averaged 283. I’m goo d with my cholesterol. Choose a diet moderate in sugars. I don’t eat any sweets. Actually, besides pop, I don’t eat anything sweet, so I’m alright here. Choose a diet moderate in salt and sodium. Sodium intake should not exceed 2400 mg per day. I average 1634 mg per day, so I’m pretty good here. If you drink alcoholic beverages, do so in moderation. I don’t drink alcohol, so I shouldn’t have any problems here. Food Guide Pyramid The bread, cereal, rice, and pasta group recommends 6-11 servings per day. I averaged 11.5 servings. I’d say I’m pretty close in that group. I could eat a little less there. The fruit group recommends 2-4 servings. I averaged 1.8 servings per day. I should definitely eat more fruits. The vegetable group recommends 3-5 servings. I averaged 1.7 servings per day. I need to eat more vegetables. The milk, yogurt, and cheese group recommends 2-3 servings per day. I averaged 6.7 servings per day. I need to cut down on my milk and cheese. The meat, p... Free Essays on Fittness Free Essays on Fittness The 1995 Dietary Guidelines for Americans Eat a variety of foods. I’m really bad in this area. I usually eat the same things every day. I eat sandwiches for lunch and pizza for dinner. I need to implement a variety of foods into my diet. Balance the food you eat with physical activity - maintain or improve your weight. I’m even worse in this area. Ever since I came to school, my physical activity has been limited to Fit/Well class. I really need to start doing some exercise. My weight right now isn’t too bad, but at this rate I’ll be really fat by the time I graduate. Choose a diet with plenty of grain products, vegetables, and fruits. I do fine in the grain products, but my fruits and vegetables are lacking. Choose a diet low in fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol. Fat intake should not exceed 30% of your total kcal intake. I average 36%. So, I need to cut down on my fats. Cholesterol intake should not exceed 300 mg per day. I averaged 283. I’m goo d with my cholesterol. Choose a diet moderate in sugars. I don’t eat any sweets. Actually, besides pop, I don’t eat anything sweet, so I’m alright here. Choose a diet moderate in salt and sodium. Sodium intake should not exceed 2400 mg per day. I average 1634 mg per day, so I’m pretty good here. If you drink alcoholic beverages, do so in moderation. I don’t drink alcohol, so I shouldn’t have any problems here. Food Guide Pyramid The bread, cereal, rice, and pasta group recommends 6-11 servings per day. I averaged 11.5 servings. I’d say I’m pretty close in that group. I could eat a little less there. The fruit group recommends 2-4 servings. I averaged 1.8 servings per day. I should definitely eat more fruits. The vegetable group recommends 3-5 servings. I averaged 1.7 servings per day. I need to eat more vegetables. The milk, yogurt, and cheese group recommends 2-3 servings per day. I averaged 6.7 servings per day. I need to cut down on my milk and cheese. The meat, p...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Why an organization should implement an in person group facilitated Essay
Why an organization should implement an in person group facilitated patient orientation program for patients diagnosed with cancer - Essay Example own that such stress of the potential patients attending in an outpatient cancer clinic can be amplified by several factors experienced in such clinics. Some of these are long waiting time, lack of information, absence of psychosocial care, and paucity of communication between care personnel and the patients. Stress in such situations can be ameliorated considerably since part of this stress is self-inflicted, part due to reasons that may be corrected or reverted, and part real. Moreover stress can impact the outcome in such patients in case a positive diagnosis may be made. If an intervention can be designed and implemented which can alleviate this stress of first-time visit to a outpatient cancer clinic, it could be instrumental in generating better patient outcome and client satisfaction which may align to the organizational goal of providing quality care to such patients through measures which have positive benefits over costs incurred (Gallant and Coutts, 2003). With the background that such patients have several physical, psychological, and educational challenges leading to considerable negative emotions, an intervention can be designed which employs principles of group psychology and educational approaches with the aim to ameliorate stress and negative emotions. At the minimal level, the goal may be to facilitate information exchange where facilities of treatment, actual nature of the disease, available resources at different stages of the management so the patients at least can be assured about the positive aspects that can be accessed, and the patients may be encouraged to conquer the fear about the unknown. These pieces of information can be graphically designed in the form of a printed handbook and all can be recorded in an interactive DVD. The patients who are not able to attend in person can access these if the hospital authority mails this along with the handbook to the prospective patient who demonstrates interests. The sessions m ay occur in the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Using Technology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Using Technology - Assignment Example en dealing with problems involving quadrilaterals, I will create an applet showing the processes of constructing a quadrilateral on an area equal to a given quadrilateral. Secondly, I will use the GeoGebra Software when introducing the concept of function. Here, I will include a GeoGebra applet to identify changing and unchanging quantities in addition to determining the relationship between two varying quantities. Third, I will use the software in investigating the coordinates of points. I will use GeoGebra’s point tool to locate various points, interpret the coordinates and make generalizations. One of the challenges facing users of the GeoGebra Software is complexity. Learners have difficulties using the program to achieve effective learning of mathematics. Overcoming this challenge involve teaching students basic mathematics of the topic before teaching them how to use the software. Secondly, using GeoGebra Software is sometimes time-consuming because I will need to train learners on how to use it after teaching them the fundamental concepts of the topic. To overcome this problem, teachers should encourage constant practice among learners. The third challenge constitutes the possibility of developing negative attitudes towards the software by students. This challenge can be overcome by demonstrating the necessity and effective use of the software in achieving the objectives of learning mathematics. The GeoGebra software is critical in learning mathematics. The Software helps in linking the topics of calculus, algebra, and geometry to enhance understanding by learners. The challenges facing users of the software include complexity, time constraints, and negative attitudes by learners. Teachers should strive to overcome these challenges in order to enhance the applicability of GeoGebra in teaching/learning
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Sports And Games Essay Example for Free
Sports And Games Essay Sports and Games are essential for many reasons.They not only help us to maintain good health but also foster friendship and goodbehaviour.Many people think that the aim of sports and games is to win gold medals in olympic games.That is not at all important.what is important is that every boy and every girl in our country should be interested in sports and games. Being interested in games does not mean merely watching other people play games.They should devote at least an hour a day to sports and games.sports and games must be given as much importance as academic studies in our scools and colleges.Marks must be awarded for proficiency in mathematics and physics. Most of us are interested in sports but in our country we cant take sports as a career its just a game this should be changed because in china many of them are adopted for sports they dont even do their education properly their only aim is to shine in Spitsbergens of that only they getting medals and first place in Olympics but in our country its not like that it should be change then only we will get medals. Sportsmen have often to live together while undergoing training and participating in competitions.They understand one another and learn to make the adjustments for corporate life.They learn to respect one anothers individuality.In other words,they learn the virtue of tolerance. In the US, the most popular is football. In Canada, its hockey. In Mexico, its soccer. In all of Central America except for Cuba and Puerto Rico, its soccer since in those Cuba and Puerto Rico the favorite is baseball. In all of South America, its soccer. In all of Africa its soccer. In all of Europe its soccer except for some icy countries like Finland where they cant play soccer so its snowboarding and hockey. In most of the Middle East, its soccer. In India, which has about 1.2 billion people, its cricket The importance of sports and games is being increasingly recognised in India, from both the educational and social points of view. More and more funds are being allocated for encouraging sports in schools, colleges and universities; in fact, sports have become an essential part of the curricula. Time was when only a few students, who were fond of games like hockey, football, cricket or tennis, were allowed special facilities.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Impact of Wal-Mart on the US Economy Essay -- Business Economics
Impact of Wal-Mart on the US Economy Wal-Mart has had a significant economic impact on the US, as well as the economies of countries that have relations with the US. Wal-Mart is the world’s biggest company of any kind, with 80 percent of the households in America purchasing something from the superstore; it is the nation’s largest retailer. Wal-Mart’s continuing price reduction has given Americans the advantage of being able to afford 15 to 20 percent more than they previously could. (Hansen) In a world governed by globalization and greed, competition has become rigid; as a result firms like Wal-Mart have utilized advanced marketing strategies to insure that they are on the ‘neck’ of competition, and are the core deciders of the market. (Ortega) However, Wal-Mart made decisions that were of a disadvantage to aspects of the economy, including the depletion on a small scale of Small Town USA. Wal-Mart has been of a great advantage to the US economy, being the world’s largest private employer thus providing more jobs. Wal-Mart is currently employing 1.5 million which equals to the population of 12 states. In addition, Wal-Mart has caused the lowering of prices of competitors known as the ‘Wal-Mart effect’, this saved Americans approximately $100 billion in 2002. (Hansen) On a smaller degree, this caused an individual American to save 15 to 20 percent of their income on necessities, allowing the surplus to be utilized in a fashion that allows an expenditure which fulfills a specific luxury to the individual, for example a car etc.. From my point of view, this allows the less advantaged to be able to purchase beyond necessities, and causing more money to spread through the market rather than the recycl...’s methods to keeping these prices down have been immoral. In addition, they have taken advantage of town resources for example, subsidies, employee benefits and exploitation of cheap labor. Even though they have surpassed significantly in attracting customers all over the nation, they failed to do so ethically. This has created losses to competitors, and the battle for profit is an ongoing one. Therefore, I believe that Wal-Mart has become an economical disaster to competitors and the US as a whole. This is due to the exporting of huge amounts of funds to Asian countries, which in turn reduced the funds in the US due to continuous import costs. Works Cited: Hansen, Brian. "Big-Box Stores." Are They Good For America? 14 (2004). 14 Mar 2005 <>. Ortega, Bob. "Ban the Bargains." The Wall Street journal 11 Oct 1994.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Perpetual Help System Essay
1. What do you think is the function of the nictating membrane, and why ? The nictitating membrane is a protective, semi-transparent third eyelid. It allows vision while giving the eye extra protection. In the case of frogs, the protection is needed when the frog is out of the water. The clear nictitating membrane allows the frog to keep looking for prey – and looking out for herons and other hunters! – while its eyes are protected from dust and from the drying effects of the air. 2. A frog does not chew its food, what do the positions of its teeth suggest about how the frog uses them ? That they are intended for gripping, not for chewing. The 4 teeth a frog has, are positioned with 2 on the sides and 2 in the center, and are angled toward the throat. This helps keep the food going in the direction of the digestive tract†¦but unable to back out of the mouth. 3. Trace the path of food through the digestive tract. In the frog’s mouth there is a front hinged tongue. This flips food into the gullet, which is the entrance to the esophagus. The food is moved down into the stomach by muscle contraction. The stomach breaks food down mechanically using its multiple muscle layers. It also secretes enzymes to convert complex nutrients into simpler ones. The enzymatic breakdown continues in the small intestine where the simpler nutrients are also then absorbed. The left over material is passed on to the large intestine where water may be absorbed from the mixture. 4. Trace the path of blood through the circulatory system. The Deoxygenated blood flows from the body into the right atrium. Oxygenated blood from the lungs flows into the left atrium. Since frogs have only one ventricle, the oxygenated and deoxygenated blood mixes in the ventricle. From there, blood flows into the truncus arteriosus that contains a spiral valve to separate and lead the blood out into the body. 5. Trace the path of air through the respiratory system. Nostrils -> Nasal Cavity -> Pharynx -> Larynx -> Trachea -> Bronchi -> Bronchioles -> Lungs -> Alveoli 6. Trace the path of sperm in a male and eggs in a female. Male: Testes produce sperm, move through sperm ducts into the cloaca. Female: Ovaries produce eggs, move through oviducts into uteri, then through the coaca. 7. Trace the path of urine in both sexes. Urine is formed in the distal tubules of the nephron in the kidneys. It accumulates in the renal pelvis, then travels down the ureters to the bladder. Then it goes through the urethra to the outside. 8. Which part of the frog’s nervous system can be its abdominal cavity and hid legs? The Spincal cord and the muscualr system which mainly takes place in the thigh 9. Suppose in a living frog the spinal nerve extending to the leg muscle were cut. What ability would the frog lose? Why? In any vertebrates, all coordinated response movements and actions would be disabled from the point the nerve was injured and down. Severed spinal damage will kill the animal. 10. The abdominal cavity of a frog at the end of hibernation season would contain very fat bodies or move at all. What is the function of the fat bodies? To pertain its energy lose, from being lack to food. 11. Structures of an animal’s body that fit it for its environment are adaptions. How do frog’s powerful legs help it to fit into a life both in water and land? On land, the frog’s hind legs are what enables the frog to leap, and in the water, it uses its hind legs for swimming. Being able to leap quickly on land, and to swim just a quickly is one of the frog’s best defenses in avoiding predators. 12. During 1 mating of frogs, female lays some 2000 to 3000 eggs in water as the male sheds millions of sperm over them. How do these large numbers relate to the frog’s fitness for life in water? Frogs are very fit for life in water reproductively, because the large numbers of eggs and offspring will help to ensure some individuals survive to reproductive adulthood.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
The Lottery Comparison of Tradition
Margaret Urquhart Professor Daniels ENC1102 15 March 2013 An Outrageous Tale Standing in line for hours, impatiently waiting for the front doors of our favorite stores to open, to be nearly trampled upon for discounted items, is a tradition we, as Americans, like to call Black Friday. Black Friday is the day following Thanksgiving Day in the United States, often regarded as the beginning of the Christmas shopping season. To get people in the spirit, most major retailers open before the sun comes up and offers promotional sales to kick off the holiday shopping season.Americans consider â€Å"getting in the spirit,†by waking at the crack of dawn to pry items out of other people’s hands while at the same time getting pushed and shoved by crazy amounts of people on the same hunt. We call a tradition; a belief or behavior passed down within a group or society with symbolic meaning or special significance that has origin from the past. Black Friday is the one tradition that I thought was the worst until reading â€Å"The Lottery,†by Shirley Jackson. Jackson uses irony to suggest an underlying evil, hypocrisy, and weakness of human kind.Jackson shows many important lessons about human nature in this short story including barbaric traditions in a supposedly civilized village, the community’s hypocrisy, and how violence and cruelty take place. â€Å"The Lottery†tells the story of an annual tradition in a small village, where the people are close and tradition is paramount. The Lottery is a yearly event in which one person in the town is randomly chosen, by a drawing, to be violently stoned by friends and family.The villagers don’t really know much about the lottery’s origin but try to preserve the tradition nevertheless; they believed that someone had to be sacrificed to insure a good crop. â€Å"Lottery in June, corn be heavy soon,†said Old Man Warner. The villagers allow an outdated tradition to run their liv es and control whether they live or die. The black box symbolizes death; the name of the â€Å"winner†to be stoned is drawn from the box at every lottery, it represents tradition in the fact that it is old and worn.It has been in existence seemingly forever and though there is talk of replacing it, the reader can infer that there will be no such change. The villagers are aware that the sacrifice is inhumane but none want to stand and voice their opinion because they are afraid of how it may affect their lives. â€Å"The lottery†has been practiced in this town for such a long time that it makes tradition so powerful, it’s like a force of nature, and the people of the village can’t imagine rebelling against it.The black box represents tradition in aspects to it being old; the characters mention that they did not want to get rid of the old box because it was made of splinters of the original box. The town is so focused on how things were and how things hav e always been that they cannot see any new or improved ways of living. Nevertheless, the lottery continues simply because there has always been a lottery. In â€Å"The Lottery,†the idea of hypocrisy is seen throughout the story. This theme is evident by the tradition of the lottery itself as well as the characters’ actions.The theme of hypocrisy is often attached to the idea of religion. Mr. Adams questions the traditions of the lottery and Mr. Summers says, â€Å"There’s always been a lottery,†and that it would be â€Å"nothing but trouble. †With these statements I feel that this tradition has been around for such a long time that if they were to get rid of it, in return it would turn the town upside down and the villagers wouldn’t know how to react to not having it. They keep the tradition alive yet they create nothing but trouble in determining who dies. The character Mrs. Hutchinson’s best friend, Mrs.Delacroix, is one of the f irst to casually discuss the lottery and in contrast she is the first to pick up a rock to stone her so called friend. Jackson’s use of such a tradition and these everyday characters demonstrates how hypocritical we are in society and is cautioning readers to questions those ideas set in stone. Shirley Jackson shows us that violence is a part of human nature, and that it can be disguised in many ways. The setting of the story is seemingly civilized and peaceful, while the stoning is a cruel and brutal act. This shows us that horrifying acts of violence can take place anywhere at any time, by ordinary citizens.Violence and cruelty are a major theme because we do not live in a â€Å"perfect†world where nothing bad ever goes wrong; there is violence and cruelty all around us. We see human cruelty in its worst form because there is no excuse for it. Jackson's example illustrates how mankind can become a victim to its own mindless traditions. For example, one child in the story was depicted this way: â€Å"Bobby Martin had already stuffed his pockets full of stones, and the other boys soon followed his example. †(Jackson 194) This quote shows how people are mindless followers just because everyone else is doing it.This strange tale is twisted in ways that show us so much about human nature and the way we are in society. The themes that are unraveled throughout the story are shocking, teaching us about human nature on a different level. People live by the term, â€Å"If everyone else is doing it, then I should too. †This shows how even though the tradition has been going on for so long, no one actually knows when it originated; they only continue it because it’s the tradition of the town. The violence and cruelty that comes into play is brutal in the sense that Mrs.Hutchinson’s friends were the first to stone her and not have any problem with it, which shows the hypocrisy of human beings. The people of the town disguise th e evil tradition of the lottery by following orders without asking any questions. Getting pushed and shoved in line for long hours for an item is a tradition that we should not have in America anymore, but still do because everyone does it. In the same sense, dying is drastically worse than getting pushed and shoved; they can’t stop the tradition of â€Å"The Lottery†because it’s what everyone in town does.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Essay on Legalization of MarijuanaEssay Writing Service
Essay on Legalization of MarijuanaEssay Writing Service Essay on Legalization of Marijuana Essay on Legalization of MarijuanaThe legalization of marijuana is a very debatable topic in the U.S. today, and it is usually discussed not only in medical circles but also by ordinary people. There exist two quite different positions on the issue because about half of Americans are calling for the absolute legalization of marijuana (not just for medical purposes, but also for personal use, or as the media says to â€Å"entertainment†), while the other half of the citizens of the United States considers marijuana to be a very harmful drug and refers to it rather disparagingly and with a great caution because this light drug is still not fully understood by scientists. Thus, as there exist two different points of views regarding the same issue, we are going to discuss this topic with all the necessary details.The first issue to discuss can be seen in the fact that deadly harm of marijuana is not fully proved still, so opponents of this plant legalization have not enough eviden ces to stop the process of legalization. It is necessary to mention that there are no enough evidences to the safety of marijuana, so both the supporters and the opponents of the legalization of marijuana are in the same position. According to Earleywine (2002), there are only several researches were made by scientists, and these researches claim that marijuana is useful, for example, for people with different hard diseases such as AIDS, leukemia, migraine, insomnia, loss of appetite, nausea, and a number of other ailments (pp. 52-63). Moreover, according to Kreit (2003), some researchers state that marijuana, being a unique plant, has many miraculous properties that can help to prevent the development of cancer, treat eye inflammation, eliminate the effects of chemical and radiation therapy in patients with cancer and AIDS, elevate mood and evoke optimism during its use (as opposed to alcohol, leading to depression and suicide) (pp. 78-85). Thus, since the day when the United State s allowed the use and possession of marijuana for medical purposes, this narcotic plant became a center of a boom in business activity.The second issue of our discussion has its focus on the use of marijuana for medical purposes. It is important to note that currently marijuana for medical purposes is allowed in many states and it goes without saying that there exist strict rules regarding this issue, and the legal use of marijuana for medical purposes is normal and possible only by a doctor’s prescription, in the case of the above mentioned diseases, and many more others. While each state has its own rules and regulations regarding marijuana use, and these rules vary widely. To be more detailed in the issue, according to Gerber (2004), it was proved that the use of marijuana and its derivatives (cannabinoids) has shown themselves to be effective in the treatment of epilepsy, anorexia, asthma, migraines, arthritis, diseases of the spine and musculoskeletal, the treatment of p remenstrual syndrome, hypertension, etc. (p. 87). For instance, in glaucoma marijuana relieves intraocular pressure and it leads to a slowdown of the process or it stops the progression of the disease. Some studies show that marijuana can slow the progression of certain types of cancer. In addition, cannabis and its derivatives have a positive effect in the treatment of affective disorders and a variety of mental health disorders depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive compulsive and panic disorder, bipolar disorder, and insomnia.The third issue to discuss can be seen in economic sphere because the legalization of marijuana can be useful for American economics, especially in terms of the budget deficit in the country. According to Raghavan (2014), the legalization of marijuana could bring the US to 17.4 billion dollars of new tax deductions (p.93). In 2014, marijuana traders could bring Colorado over 100 million dollars, and almost 40 million will be spent on building schools and promoting healthy lifestyles. So, tax on marijuana could help a lot, and it would be wrong to give this money to criminals because all the money and taxes can fill the country’ coffers.In addition, there exists an opinion that legalization of marijuana reduces crime. According to Caulkins et al (2012), in 2010, the United States produced 780,000 arrests related to the dissemination and use of marijuana, and nearly 40 thousand people went to jail (p. 51). The legalization of marijuana will reduce the number of people arrested and will save much money on their maintenance in prisons. Moreover, according to supporters of the legalization, such an approach may reduce interracial tension in the states because in cases involving distribution and consumption of marijuana, black teens are detained nearly four times more likely than their white peers. As a result, it is inefficient to spend billions to combat drug trafficking because it still makes no sense. To add, Kilme r (2010) mentioned that a huge amount of money is spent on police, lawyers, courts, prisons, but the rate of use of marijuana is not reduced, but on the contrary, is growing steadily (p. 32). In such a way, prohibitions on the use of marijuana does not lead to a decrease in its consumption, but they lead to the formation of organized crime and smuggling, and to imprisonment of almost harmless smokers.In conclusion, we have discussed the issue of legalization of marijuana with many details and showed that the legalization of marijuana in the US is important for the rest of the world because in a case of success, this experience will be an example for other countries and it can help in the global fight against drug trafficking, which is currently at an impasse and provoke social tension in third world countries.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Willis Carrier and the Invention of Air Conditioning
Willis Carrier and the Invention of Air Conditioning I fish only for edible fish, and hunt only for edible game, even in the laboratory, Willis Haviland Carrier once said about being practical. In 1902, only one year after Willis Carrier graduated from Cornell University with a Masters in Engineering, his first air conditioning unit was in operation. This made one Brooklyn printing plant owner very happy. Fluctuations in heat and humidity in his plant kept causing the dimensions of his printing paper to alter and create misalignment of the colored inks. The new air conditioning machine created a stable environment and, as a result, aligned four-color printing became possible – all thanks to Carrier, a new employee at the Buffalo Forge Company who started working for a salary of only $10 a week. The â€Å"Apparatus for Treating Air†The â€Å"Apparatus for Treating Air†was the first of several patents awarded to Willis Carrier in 1906. Although he’s recognized as the â€Å"father of air conditioning,†the term â€Å"air conditioning†actually originated with textile engineer Stuart H. Cramer. Cramer used the phrase â€Å"air conditioning†in a 1906 patent claim he filed for a device that added water vapor to the air in textile plants to condition the yarn. Carrier disclosed his basic Rational Psychrometric Formulae to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers in 1911. The formula still stands today as the basis in all fundamental calculations for the air conditioning industry. Carrier said he received his â€Å"flash of genius†while he was waiting for a train on a foggy night. He was thinking about the problem of temperature and humidity control and by the time the train arrived, he said he had an understanding of the relationship between temperature, humidity and dew point. The Carrier Engineering Corporation Industries flourished with this new ability to control the temperature and humidity levels during and after production. Film, tobacco, processed meats, medical capsules, textiles and other products gained significant improvements as a result. Willis Carrier and six other engineers formed the Carrier Engineering Corporation in 1915 with starting capital of $35,000. In 1995, sales topped $5 billion. The company was dedicated to improving air conditioning technology. The Centrifugal Refrigeration Machine Carrier patented the centrifugal refrigeration machine in 1921. This centrifugal chiller was the first practical method for air conditioning large spaces. Previous refrigeration machines used reciprocating piston-driven compressors to pump refrigerant through the system, which was often toxic and flammable ammonia. Carrier designed a centrifugal compressor similar to the centrifugal turning blades of a water pump. The result was a safer and more efficient chiller. Consumer Comfort Cooling for human comfort rather than industrial need began in 1924 when three Carrier centrifugal chillers were installed in the J.L. Hudson Department Store in Detroit, Michigan. Shoppers flocked to the â€Å"air conditioned†store. This boom in human cooling spread from department stores to the movie theaters, most notably the Rivoli Theater in New York whose summer film business skyrocketed when it heavily advertised cool comfort. Demand increased for smaller units and the Carrier Company obliged. Residential Air Conditioners Willis Carrier developed the first residential â€Å"Weathermaker†in 1928, an air conditioner for private home use. The Great Depression and World War II slowed the non-industrial use of air conditioning, but consumer sales rebounded after the war. The rest is cool and comfortable history.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The purpose of this assignment is to discover the roles of an Essay
The purpose of this assignment is to discover the roles of an operations manager (first-line, middle or top) in Singapore and ho - Essay Example In this study the focus has been on the study of the roles and responsibilities of the operation manager working for Wilmar International Ltd. headquartered at Singapore. The study shows that the role of the operations managers are becoming more and more challenging due to the globalization that is making the organizations to open their businesses in other nation across the border. Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 Table of Contents 3 Introduction 4 Company Profile and Background 5 Company Mission and Vision 5 Integrity 6 Excellence 6 Passion 6 Innovation 7 Teamwork 7 Safety 7 Manager’s Profile 8 Interview Transcript 9 Analysis of the responses given by the Operations Manager 11 Conclusion 13 REFERENCES 15 Introduction In modern organizations the role of the operation managers in framing the strategy of the firm is gaining huge importance. The decisions related to operations is also playing significant role in achieving the competitive advantage. The responsibility of an o perations manager of an organization is to oversee the process that transforms the input into a greater value output. The main concern areas of the operations manager is manufacturing, development of new products, procurement, distribution, research, technology, customer service and distribution. The business strategy of the firm is implemented in the operations. ... long with willingness to change is required, which needs to be relentless and continuous process to improve the performance of the firm (Bruner, 2003). As emphasized by Wild (1979) the decision of the operations manager influences not only the entire organization but also the work with it and the way all the functions are managed. In case of manufacturing firms Armistead and Mapes (1992) claimed that the roles of the operation manager in a manufacturing farm are more beleaguered towards the corporate target rather than the performance measures. This follows the consequence that the focus of the manager should be shifted from scheduling, production planning and control (Gerwin, 1993) to coordination and design of network of knowledge (Mak and Ramaprasad, 2003) or to organization of task connected to marketing and production. The study focuses on in depth analysis on the role of the operational managers of Wilmar International Limited. The analysis will be based on interview that will be conducted on the operation managers of the organization. Company Profile and Background Wilmar International Limited was founded in the year 1991 and is headquartered at Singapore, which is the leading agribusiness group of Asia. Wilmar is ranked as the largest listed company in the Singapore Exchange with regards to the market capitalization. The business activities of Wilmar International includes oilseed crushing, oil palm cultivation, edible oil, specialty fats, sugar milling and refining, biodiesel, oleo chemicals, grain processing and fertilizer manufacturing. The core strategy of Wilmar International is a flexible incorporated agribusiness model that surrounds the whole value chain of processing business dealing with agricultural commodity staring from processing to distribution,
Friday, November 1, 2019
Offshoring Sales Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Offshoring Sales Plan - Essay Example Microsoft Great Plains, Navision, Microsoft CRM, Microsoft RMS, Remote Support Technology and Customization packages will serve to enterprise accounting, electronic requisitions, automation of operations, retail management, to have cheaper consulting rates and a specialized customization in development of automation and services. 1 eBECS having centers in UK, USA, China, India and Jordan need to concentrate on Jordan Centre to offer ERP products and services at affordable prices to clients ranging from Large scale enterprises and their branches to small size enterprises. eBECS is a Microsoft Gold partner that builds strong partnerships with enterprise customers looking to exploit the full potential of the investment in ERP. This is done by assisting various organizations to be agile and responsive in meeting the specific demands the trading environment demands. The company provides solutions using Microsoft Dynamics AX that is functionally serves a wide range of business sectors. The specialty of eBECS is to add lean capabilities to Microsoft Dynamics AX and a full integration to the core product using Microsoft components. The company is capable to offer to eBECS enterprise distribution call centre management system that can provide integrated solution for companies involved in call centers, warehousing, retailing, logistics and distribution. In last 7 years it has been proved that the company values for practical delivery time and can call customers across the manufacturing and distribution sector. The implementation of ERP makes the company a sof tware reseller as well as a partner that ensure the customer to gain competitive advantage. 2 3.2 Mission Statement: The company states that it offers solutions regarding Microsoft Dynamics AX, Lean manufacturing, EDCCM, e REQS and Application Integration. Its services are regarding consulting, off-shore, financing and bean integration. 3.3 Key to Success: The Key to Success is due to range of products and services it offers. The application integration in products enabled its success in offering products without changing the applications. Its offshore services from India and Jordan are responsible for offering services at affordable rate for premium and other customers respectively. 4. Products and Services 4.1 Products: 4.1.1 Enterprise Resource Management: The company offers its products in the form of solutions regarding enterprise resource management by using Microsoft Dynamics AX. The solutions offer demand flexibility, scalability and rapid implementation. The products of the company are designed to offer grown with existing investments and to automate the unique business processes. This in turn accelerates the success of the organization in delivering integrated and open collaborative working in the least time possible. 4.1...2 Customer Relationship Management: The delivery of the quality in products is due to customer relationship management at eBECS that helps clients to increase revenues and profitability. This is due to better management of relationship with customers. This is enhanced by automation of sales force and
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
The most important elements of proper Communication in a job interview Essay
The most important elements of proper Communication in a job interview - Essay Example Similarly if you look away while listening it would show lack of interest and a rude and unethical behavior. Facial Expressions: Your facial expressions should be positive enough to encourage the employer for further communication. In case of nervousness do not try to be perceived as arrogant. A smiley face is appreciated everywhere. The employer should be aware of your gladness you have to meet him. You should not reveal a lethargic expression no matter how much exhausted and tiring you are. Posture: A good posture is a key symbol of a fine personality. One should stand straight, walk tall and sit tall. Shoulders should not be bended forward and there should be no slouching. Be sensitive to the body language of the other person. Any inconsistency between verbal and non-verbal behavior is significant and the non-verbal cues generally send the more accurate message as "action speaks louder than words". Gestures: Gestures should go along with your personality, and must be real. Do not use artificial gestures to highlight the importance of the issue. One should not use a speech with too many "uh's", "ur's"or "hms". Space: One should recognize the boundaries between personal space and that of others. If you are typical of most Americans, it ranges between 30 and 36 inches. Be prepared, however, not to back up or move away from someone who has a personal space that is smaller than your own. Hang in there, take a deep breath, and stand your ground. For most of us, merely the awareness of our personal space is enough to consciously prompt us to stand firm when speaking with someone. If you have a smaller than average personal space, make sure you keep your distance so that you do not intimidate someone who possesses a larger personal space. (The most important interview nonverbals, College, themostimportantinterviewnonverbals.htm) Confidence- The key to success Be yourself. Confident people inspire confidence in others; one has to appear confident in order to make others realize that he is suitable enough to do the job. Interviewees are usually nervous and therefore they become self absorbed and self-conscious, which takes their attention off the job at hand and onto themselves. Be careful to avoid showing signs of nervousness such as scratching, drumming fingers, playing with a pen etc. Everyone possesses some weak points, which make the person loose his confidence at an interview. It is the aim of the prospective employer to play oral communication tricks to you and make you reveal all those weak points which are sufficient to make a person feel unconfident and insecure enough to perform the job, so no matter how weak you are, never impose yourself loose confidence in a job interview. (Impact Factory, Job Interview Techniques, Communication Skills Effective communication skills are needed in most jobs on an everyday basis, your tone should be refined and one should not talk too fast, slowly, loudly or softly. Verbal patterns should be followed like an impressive speech pattern, ability to act naturally, very focused and articulated thinking. It seems very unethical to interrupt the employer. Be attentive and
Monday, October 28, 2019
Trading Strategies Essay Example for Free
Trading Strategies Essay Gone are the days when purely the corporation’s fundamentals are being studied before someone invests in the stock market. The traditional way of studying corporations is to look at their earnings, assets, liabilities, etc. A fundamentally sound company is an ideal company to invest in. Today, the fundamentals of any company are still considered; in fact, most investors (especially the medium- to long-term traders) consider the fundamentals of a company as a prerequisite to any investment that they are going to execute. The fundamentals of a company tell an investor if his or her investment will be safe in the long run even if there would be minor bumps in the stock market (volatility of prices, for example). Investing in a company with sound fundamentals ensures the investor that any minor price fluctuations can be ignored as long as a long-term horizon is the perspective of the investor. Thus, even if the price of a certain stock drops, an investor would not easily pullout his or her investments because he or she believes in the company. In essence, he is an investor more than being a trader.            But it is indeed correct that fundamentalists need market technicians. Technical analysis is about charts, trends, and market behavior or psychology. It is in this study that an ideal time to enter into an investment (or to sellout your shares) can be established scientifically. A classic example of how technical analysts may help an investor is by considering the case of the recent US subprime woes. Even fundamentally sound companies in the stock market are affected by this market decline. A fundamentalist, hence, the long-term investor, has a little concern on this because he know that the company he is investing on is safe and will rebound in the long run. However, a technical analysis of prices during this period would dictate that an investor should have sold his or her shares and buy back as soon as the market goes on the uptrend mode.            I agree that both fundamentalists and market technicians need each other for them to maximize their earning opportunities.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Greek Mythology Essay -- essays research papers
Greek Mythology Mythology was an integral part of the lives of all ancient peoples. The myths of Ancient Greece are the most familiar to us, for they are deeply entrenched in the consciousness of Western civilization. The myths were accounts of the lives of the deities whom the Greeks worshipped. The Greeks had many deities, including 12 principal ones, who lived on Mt. Olympus. The myths are all things to all people – a rollicking good yarn, expressions of deep psychological insights, words of spine-tingling poetic beauty and food for the imagination. They serve a timeless universal need, and have inspired great literature, art and music, providing archetypes through which we can learn much about the deeper motives of human behavior. No-one has the definitive answer as to why or how the myths came into being, nut many are allegorical accounts of historical facts. The Olympian family were a desperate lot despite being related. The next time you have a bowl of corn flakes give thanks to Demeter the goddess of vegetation. The English word "cereal" for products of corn or edible grain derives from the goddess' Roman name, Ceres. In Greek the word for such products is demetriaka. Demeter was worshipped as the goddess of earth and fertility. Zeus was the king and leader of the 12. His symbol was the thunder and in many of his statues he appears holding one. Poseidon, god of the sea and earthquakes, was most at home in the depths of the Aegean where he lived in a sumptuous golden palace. When he became angry (which was often) he would use his trident to create massive waves and floods. Ever intent upon expanding his domain, he challenged Dionysos for Naxos, Hera for Argos and Athena for Athens. Ares, god of war, was a nasty piece of work – fiery tempered, bloodthirsty, brutal and violent. In contrast Hestia, the goddess of the hearth, symbol of security, happiness and hospitality, was as pure as driven snow. She spurned disputes and wars and swore to be a virgin forever. Hera was not a principal deity; her job was a subservient one – she was Zeus' cupbearer. Athena, the powerful goddess of wisdom and patron of Athens, is said to have been born (complete with helmet, armor and spear) from Zeus' head, with Hephaestus acting as midwife. Unlike Ares, she derived no pleasure from fighting, but preferred settling disputes peacefully using her wisdom... ...ed to Greece where he organized drunken revelries and married Ariadne, daughter of King Minos. In addition to the gods the Ancient Greeks revered many beings who had probably once been mortal, such as King Minos, Theseus and Erichthonious. Intermediaries between gods and humans, such as the satyrs, also appear in the myths. The satyrs lived in woods and had goat horns and tails; they worshipped the god Dionysos, so, appropriately, they spent much of their time drinking and dancing. Nymphs lived in secluded valleys and grottoes and occupied themselves with spinning, weaving, bathing, singing and dancing. Pan found them irresistible. The Muses, of which there were nine, were nymphs of the mountain springs; they were believed to inspire poets, artists and musicians. Finally, mention should be made of the three crones Tisiphone, Aledo and Megara – sometimes called the Furies – whose job it was to deal with grievances from mortals, and punish wrongdoers. They had dogs' heads, snakes' hair, bloodshot eyes, coal black bodies and bats' wings and carried brass-studded scourges. It was considered unlucky to call them by name – they had to be called Eumenides – the kindly ones! Bill Gates
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Drug Addiction Short Paper Essay
There are many myths about addiction whether it be alcohol addiction or drug addiction. One of these myths is that drug addiction is voluntary. Once someone becomes addicted to drugs it can change the person’s brain chemistry and drug use then becomes compulsive and uncontrollable. Another myth is that addiction is a flaw in a person. Once addicted to drugs the person can’t control their want/need for the drug. Another myth is that a person has to want to get help for their addiction in order to stop using drugs. I do believe this myth is only partially correct because I do think that someone needs to at least own up to the fact that they have an addiction problem. A court can order someone to get drug treatment which can help them to kick their habit but they must be willing to make an effort. Another myth is that people who are addicts can stop on their own without any treatment if they make an effort to stop. Most people suffering from addiction can’t stop on their own without getting treatment and if they do it isn’t long lasting. Another myth is that someone can’t be forced into treatment. People can also be coerced and remanded by a court into getting the help they need for their addiction. Many people also believe the myth that people only get treatment once they have hit rock bottom. This is simply untrue as many people get treatment before they have lost complete control over themselves and their actions. Or if they have been made to seek treatment by a court order or been coerced by friends and or family members. Some people realize they have an addiction and chose on their own to seek help before hitting rock bottom. While a lot of people think that there is one certain treatment for all addicts this is not the case. Addictions are different on a case by case basis and have to be tailored to each individual person. It simply would not work to treat every addiction in the same manner. A lot of people with addiction also suffer from some sort of psychiatric illness as well that needs to be treated. If a psychiatric illness is not addressed the person could slip back into addiction. Most drugs and alcohol (including marijuana) can become addictive if used to often. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse over time marijuana can cause changes in the brain which can lead to addiction. Marijuana can also cause withdraw symptoms when the user stops using the drug. Which can lead to the person becoming irritable; interfere with sleep, and restlessness just to name a few. References: Marijuana. (n.d.). Retrieved May 25, 2015, from
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
A Case Study of the EWAN technology Supply Chain Management
In today's competitive environment, it is important for any business to focus on the customer and to provide unique value in order to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. Without virtual integration, competitive advantage is lost. Successful implementation of virtual integration initiatives allows supplier companies, which are performing only certain processes, to work together as one entity. There fore, operations become more efficient by reducing inventory, assuring quality, and reducing delivery time. More importantly, the organisation maintains the ability to thrive in a competitive market place by achieving increased customer satisfaction through unique and strategic core competencies. Virtual integration will redefine corporations and, eventually, entire industries as supply chains evolve into a new business model of cooperation and sharing. EWAN technology has made recent attempts to transform its dated vertical integration service model into a maneuverable, efficient supply chain. Emphasizing methods Just – In -Time (JIT) inventory. Total quality Management (TQM) and Synchronous Material Flow (SMF), EWAN technology has derived a multi – tiered system of supply. The tier system consists of numerous generic suppliers. 2. BACKGROUND: EWAN Technology Solutions Inc. is the leading information and communication Technology Company in Eritrea. EWAN Technology is a privately held Eritrean company dedicated to providing full-scale in Technology solutions to medium and large sized corporations, and private sector. In its six years history, it has grown to become the largest private sector company of its kind. EWAN Technology provides a full range of service including Internet services, technical and corporate solutions and they specialize in providing local, Metropolitan and Wide Area Networking Services with full-scale end -to -end technology solutions at virtually any level of complexity. The capabilities of EWAN Technology Solutions are: * Network Design and Installation, * Software Development Service, * Internet Service, * Telecommunications, * Satellite Multi-access TV, * Computers and Accessories Retail, * Computer Maintenance Service, * Access Control. EWAN Technology is the largest Internet service provider and support more than 1,500 clients. EWAN also provides high speed Internet Service, Web Hosting Service, Web Page Design and Maintenance, and many other special related services. EWAN Technology Solutions team has expertise and dedication to provide customized end-to-end solutions for even the most complex needs. 3. EWAN TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS SUPPLY CHAIN MNAGEMENT 3.1 Introduction Supply Chain Management (SCM) is a network of multiple business and relationship. SCM offers the opportunity to capture the synergy of intra and the inter company integration and management and the integration of key business processes from end users through original suppliers that provides products, services and information that add value for customers and other stakeholders. Supply chain management in many ways formerly was known as logistics management, but the name change has been worthwhile in that there have been so many additional aspects of logistics management incorporated in recent years. Whereas logistics was the poor relation of the organisation – necessary but highly unglamorous – supply chain management today is the one area in which much operational efficiency can be gained. Thereby reducing organisations' costs and enhancing customer service. The Internet is playing an increasingly important role in the evolution of supply chain management. Supply Chain Management (SCM) is a major topic of conversation in many organizations today. A rapidly changing global competitive market coupled with the heightened expectations of increasingly sophisticated customers have forced firms to critically evaluate the performance of their supply chain and it ensures delivery of the right product, to the right location, at the right time, in the most profitable manner possible. Supply Chain Management can help to achieve faster time – to – market for products and services, global growth and migration to Web – enabled systems. Some of the benefits are: * Enhancing organizational value by reducing costs and increasing profitability, improved operational efficiency, and global inventory management. * Reducing overall supply chain risk by optimizing information flows and taking full advantage of investment. * Delivering products to market faster by gaining better control of the entire product life cycle. A supply chain is a network of facilities and distribution options that performs the functions of procurement of material, transformation of these materials into intermediate and finished products, and the distribution of this finished products to customers. Supply chain exist in both service and manufacturing organizations, also the complexity of the chain may vary greatly from industry to industry and from firm to firm. Traditionally, marketing, distribution, planning, manufacturing, in the purchasing organizations along the supply chain operated independently. These organizations have their own objectives and these are often conflicting. Marketing objective of high customer service and maximum sales dollars conflict with manufacturing and distribution goals. 3.2 EWAN technology solutions Supply Chain Decisions EWAN technology solutions classify the decisions for supply chain management in to two broad categories. These are strategic and operational. Strategic decisions are made typically over a longer time horizon. These are closely linked to the corporate strategy, and guide supply chain policies from a design perspective. While operational decisions are short term, and focus on activities over a day-to-day basis. Its four major decision areas in supply chain management are: A. Location Decisions – The geographic placement of production/service facilities, stocking points, and sourcing points. B. Production Decisions – The strategic decisions include what products to produce and which plants to produce them in, allocation of suppliers to plants, plants to decisions, and decisions to customer markets. Operational decisions focus on detailed production scheduling. C. Inventory Decisions – This refer to means by which inventories are managed. Inventories exist at every stage of the supply chain as either raw materials, semi finished or finished goods. These include deployment strategies (push versus pull), control policies the determination of the optimal levels of order quantities and re-order points, and setting safety stock levels, at each stocking location. D. Transportation (Distribution) – These are closely linked to the inventory decisions. For example air shipments may be fast, reliable and warrant lesser safety stocks, they are expensive. Meanwhile shipping by sea or rail may be much cheaper, but they necessitate holding relatively large amounts of inventory to buffer against the inherent uncertainty associated with them. 3.3 EWAN technology Supply Chain Network Structure One key element of managing the supply chain is to have an explicit knowledge and understanding of how the supply chain is configured. It is found that the three primary structural aspects of a company's network structure are: The members of the supply chain The members of a supply chain include all companies/organizations with whom the focal company interacts directly or indirectly through its suppliers or customers, from point of origin to point of consumption. EWAN technology defines primary members of a supply chain to be: All those autonomous companies or strategic business units who actually perform operational and/or managerial activities in the business processes designed to produce a specific output for a particular customer or market. The structural dimensions of the supply network Three dimensions of the network are essential when describing, analyzing and managing the supply chain. These dimensions are the horizontal structure, the vertical structure and the horizontal position of the focal company within the end points of the supply chain. The horizontal structure refers to the number of tiers across the supply chain. The vertical structure refers to the number of suppliers/customers represented within each tier. A company can be positioned at or near the initial source of supply, be at or near to the ultimate customer, or somewhere between these end points of the supply chain. The different types of process links across the supply chain Integrating and managing all business processes throughout the entire supply chain is likely not appropriate. Thus some links are more critical than others. EWAN' S Technology Solutions Inc. Supply – Chain Source: The International Center for Competitive Excellence, University of North Florida. Supply Chain Strategy EWAN technology solution's has over six years of experience in IT solutions and information technology with a special focus on using IT as a catalyst for new business models and process optimization. EWAN technology solutions have skilled personnel in information technology and they have been in business for more than six years in various activities such as network operation, software development, Internet connectivity, marketing, sales, and training. Supply chain management strategy is important to the overall success of the development of EWAN Technology Solutions Inc., as there is currently low awareness of the information technology in the region. In its supply chain management, the marketing strategy of EWAN technology is to provide information communication technology solution locally and regionally in the introduction of computer technology solutions and mobile telephones. In addition the firm has short-term plan of introduction training and development for information technology solution (IT). Besides the mission of the organization is to make the firm sustainable and to provide a reliable and standardized quality service, which is verified by ISO (International Standard Organization), which enable them to complete the international market. 4. EFFECTIVE AND EFFICIENT OPERATIONS OF EWAN TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS EWAN technology serves as a regional and national outsourcing partner to leading companies in the technology solutions. They execute critical elements of the supply chain including materials management, customized complex kitting, and distribution and fulfillment services. EWAN technology creates value by helping customers increase their supply chain efficiencies and deliver products more cost effectively on the country. Within their business objectives, EWAN technology helps a variety of companies improve the overall performance of their network design and installation programs. They identify opportunities to reduce total costs, accelerate information to market and increase sales by better managing the steps involved in the production and fulfillment processes for items ranging from information kits and enrollment packages to promotional items for a nation wide sales force or channel partners. Reach out across the country EWAN technology solutions centers are strategically located in the most active and profitable markets throughout the country. Supporting this national and regional presence is an electronic network infrastructure that enables their products to reach customers as quickly as possible. They manage all aspects of services and distribution resulting in consistent processes and procedures. Regional Supply Chain Management EWAN technology serves as a regional supply chain management partner to many of the regions leading technology companies. They manage physical product flow and provide technology-enabled business and information management. Physical services include such activities as product assembly, packaging, order fulfillment, warehousing and distribution, while information systems provide an infrastructure and common process for managing and tracking component sources, product quality, inventories, and distribution status and product life cycles. Service Offerings EWAN technology services can help organization meet ever-increasing customer demand from order to delivery. Their product fulfillment services include: > Product-order management > Remittance processing, data entry and billing > Database and analytics > Customer care support > Reporting Internet and e-commerce support EWAN helps customer to meet their ultimate goal to deliver the right product into customers' hands on-time, every time while providing the high degree of service that consumers have come to expect. Orientation towards marketing EWAN technology is trying to carry out the organizations all effort at satisfying its customers. Instead of just trying to get customers to buy what the firm has produced, a marketing-oriented firm in its supply chain management tries to offer customers what they need. Three basic ideas are included in the process of the supply chain concept: 1. Customer satisfaction, 2. A total company effort, and 3. Profit – not just sales- as an objective EWAN Technology is a market-oriented organization, and we analyze the supply chain management through the following points: 1. Attitude toward customers – the company plan determines by the customers needs like providing network design and installation, Software development services, telecommunication service, and satellite multi access TV service. 2. Product service offering – EWAN Technology gives service based on orders requested by its customers. 3. Interest in innovation – the organization focuses on locating of new opportunities, such as, installation of telephone lines, introduction of modern mobile telephones, and up-to-date software development services. 4. Importance of profit – the critical objective of the organization is to maximize profit. In comparison to other information and communication providers, EWAN technology charges the highest price. Despite of the high price they charge, they have enough customers because of their reliable and quality services. 5. Relationship with customers – EWAN technology aims at customer satisfaction by giving 18 hours of services, after sales service, they give advice and consultancy to customers to procure computers and its accessories according to their needs aiming to avoid unnecessary costs. Competitive Advantage: – Competitive advantage means that a firm has a better supply chain mix that the target market sees as better than its competitors. A competitive advantage may result from efforts in different areas of the firm – cost cutting in production, innovative research and development (R&D), more effective purchasing of need components, or financing for a new distribution facility. Similarly, a strong sales force, a well known brand name, or good dealer may give it a competitive advantage in pursuing an opportunity what ever resource, and advantage succeeds if it allows the firm to provide superior value and satisfy customers better than some competitors. The firm provides complete Information Technology solution, which the other competitors do not have. The overall management of the firm is well equipped in Information Technology (IT) knowledge and most of its employees are skilled. 5. AREA OF QUALITY CONCERN EWAN Technology Solutions has six years of experience in the business. In this case the firms success factors are many, such as: * Adaptation of product design, * Continuous market research undertakings, * Expanding services to satisfy the potential customers, The areas of quality concern of EWAN technology solutions depend on the following major factors. * Providing complete information and communication technology Solution (ICT) to customers * Focused, serious – minded, experienced and devoted personnel to product growth, and * Institutionalized team building management with high caliber engineers, †¦etc, 5.1 Performance Indicators of Quality Concern The concept of operations at high-technology companies is changing. No longer does it apply simply to the manufacturing of products. Rather, it applies to the concept of managing a supply chain spanning from suppliers' suppliers to customers' customers. In fact, effectively configuring supply chain can be a source of sustainable competitive advantage. EWAN technology benchmarking studies show that superior performance is attainable when a company can integrate the Plan, Source, Make, Deliver, and Return processes of its supply chain operations. EWAN technology supply chain performance indicator is a comprehensive service designed to assess performance by benchmarking customers against companies within the same industry. In addition to measuring their performance, they will also receive guidance on how to interpret customers benchmark results, identify improvement opportunities, and take the next steps toward achieving excellence. EWAN technology is in business to bridge the gap between strategic business issues and tactical technology solutions. Their Supply Chain Management services provide everything needed to extract maximum value from their supply chain: These are also the issues that EWAN technology works with everyday. * Supply Chain Consulting and Transformation * Supply Chain Optimization (Product Fulfillment and Distribution) * Procurement Outsourcing * Procurement Services * Data Registry and Synchronization Services Using powerful Web-centric solutions, EWAN technology Supply Chain Management creates, optimizes, and powers trading nets for clients. Along with their ability to leverage, EWAN technology broad range of strengths and capabilities, their solutions are based around key concepts and technologies such as e-business portals, key performance indicators, business intelligence, integration, advanced planning and scheduling, enterprise resource planning (ERP), e-engineering, and electronic business networks. 6. CONCLUSION Information has become the primary commodity of the global market. Some of the causes of poverty can be related to environmental and resource factors. Information development has been a critical element to the perpetuation of poverty in third world countries. The idea that a society's ability to develop is determined by its ability to access information. In modern society, information technologies are no longer a luxury, but a human need, and by inference is a basic human right. Countries with low levels of information will have low levels of development, low level of stability, and high levels of dependency. In the case of Eritrea, there is a growing government recognition of the importance of information and communication to the over all development of the nation. Indeed, the lack of access to relevant information is acknowledging as a major factor affecting the success and quality of research and development activities. In Eritrea, EWAN technology is a market leader in computer technology solutions in their supply-chain management. EWAN technology provides a comprehensive combination of computer technology solutions and digital imaging solutions to leading publishers and direct marketers, including advanced digital content management and e-business services. EWAN technology supply-chain management businesses provide a wide range of outsourcing capabilities to the country's customers. Services range from component procurement, product assembly and packaging to inventory control to regional and national distribution. 7. RECOMMENDATION Although there are key differences between companies EWAN technology solutions Inc. direct business approach can be applied to every facet of the organization's operation. Special care should be taken to address the unique dependency of EWAN's custom â€Å"tier one†suppliers. A variation of virtual integration could be applied to EWAN's dependent supplier base, while the management of lower tier suppliers of generic components would be, more effectively, suited by the standard procedures used. In regard to supply channel communication and procurement EWAN can make substantial gains by standardizing all B2B transactions. By offering an incentive program through out the tier network. EWAN can encourage all partners to make the necessary technological capital improvements in order to utilize an organisation wide extra net that will aid in fault – free procurement, real time inventory and speedy on time delivery. Bottlenecking channels would be averted, as synchronous information will flow up and down the supply chain via one, standard medium. Cost savings derived from this direct working relationship should be apple enough to subsidize the development of the extranet project as well as to reward the suppliers who successfully upgrade and integrate into the system. EWAN's of Total Quality Management (TQM) could be easily met by implementing a variation of the already existing virtual integration business model. Fostering cooperation through incentives is key since complains of supply chain partners is necessary to gain first mover advantage.
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